1860-180-1290: SBI Credit Cards Customer Care phone number
Contact No
Customer Care
24 hours, 7 days
All India
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If the above contact didn't helped you, here are alternatives to reach SBI Credit Cards customer support.
Contact Number
1800-180-1290 - Contact details
9212500888 - Contact details
39020202 - Contact details
feedback@sbicard.com - Contact details
Support Link
Official website - Contact details
Twitter page - Contact details
refund of my credit card amount and cancellation of sbi card
sir my sbi card no is 4377 4862 0452 7608 and my mobile no is 9885077404. sir i want to cancell my sbi card and i want my amount to be refunded in my account as my card is being expired on 12 jan 15. it is requested to you to please contact me at the earliest
Eerroneous entry with cibil
Card no. - 000403250648402**** was opened on15-03-2014 and cancelled on27-06-2014 under due submission. In between card was not used noticing my FD account amount has been taken as collateral. Cibil statement obtained on 05-08-2016 indicates that entries uploaded by you have not been deleted and down loaded and this has affected my credit score. Request immediate action and that too within 48 hours with an action taken report sent to my mail address.
Non requirement of card stolen insurance
I have applied for sib-sbi emp simply save card and not yet received the card. Even before receive card one marketing call from sbi cards to accept card insurance against theft or lose of card. when i was busy in cash dept i have said ok but i dont want the insurance against card stolen or theft my card ref no sb1621306432.
Card no as per your letter 101162130****. pl do the needful.
Sbi card login issue
I am trying to login with my credit card but there is some issue . And I am also trying to ur toll free number but it's continuously busy.. please contact me AsAp.
Credit card - not delivered even after one month
My ref. EV 17128887248 . The card seems to come for delivery, the courier people contacted me over phone that time I was in Bangalore I told him to deliver the same on 20-05-17. No one has come after a week call came from call centre. I told them to deliver the card immediately, since I am going abroad. Whereas, they sent me a message stating that 'person not reachable'. I tried several times, but in vein. Now with out card I am proceeding abroad. Its waste of my time and inconvenience. I could have tried from some other responsible Bank. The concerned person may please take not of it.
Didnt received free voucher of Rs. 500
I was told that i will get free coupon of Rs. 500 but it is not yet received. Please do the needful as early as possible.
Unable to convert amount in EMI
Hi, As i had spend amount at some where but now i want to convert this in EMI, for the same i had logged in at sbicard.com and try for EMI but after select processing and tenure amount to be get EMI not reflect also not getting the confirm at final stage..for the same tried to call many times at customer care but not able to connect, kindly arrange any solution.
Credit card Bill Cycle change
I am using SBI credit card for past 3years, I requesting to change my billing cycle and last due date to 3rd. Were i can pay my bills on time. Every month my due date come's on 30th month end. Am paying at 1st of every month. Due to 1 day delay its affecting My cibil score and am not able to take any loan. Even am requested this to Customer support team, They saying they cannot do this. Please support me to get this changes. It will be a great support
Payment of credit card bill
My father passed away on 2/2/2018. We got his SBI credit card blocked and account closed as his wallet was stolen in the hospital that day. We requested you to let us know if you have received the online payment done for the pending bills of the credit card but have received no reply from your end. Instead, the last reply I received was to get a letter duly signed by my father as the primary card holder.
Please let me know how should I respond to your insensitive replies?
Can not pay
I have revised Rs 1274 bill but can not do any transaction of 1274. So i can pay this bill otherwise i can block my card.
Dear Patil dinesh vi,
Dear Patil dinesh vi, Apologies for any inconvenience caused. We would love to get in touch with you and address the issue, request you to please mail us your contact or card details at sbicard_cares@sbicard.com mentioning reference number 68217 in your mail to enable us to address your concern on priority.
Fraudlent transaction
Sir ,
Someone call me nd Ask my card no., Date of birth Nd transcation otp. So my transaction rs 7890 has been deducted from my sbi credit card nd my txn id -DUA6273826 dtd 050119 Rs 7890 for K.B.ENTERPRISES ORDER.
Plz help me sir. This is fraudlent transaction. Sir plz help me
My sbi credit card no. 4006 6765 3608 1576
My fraudlent transaction of rs 7890 at 14:48hrs on 05 jan 2019
Sir plz help me Nd contact me plz sir... I m lost my money of rs 7890
My contact no . Is -8269365578 &7507955633
SBI Card
Dear Rahul Singh Bhadouria, We wish to inform you that we have taken note of your request vide reference number 144375285209 and we shall get the same resolved at the earliest. Please note that the maximum time for closure of such dispute is 120 days from the date of investigation start date, as we are dependent on external feedback such as acquiring banker. While we trying to do our best to resolve the dispute at the earliest, we request you to bear with us in the interim.
Credit card
Dear sir,
This is Shakunthala, i am trying so many times to your toll free number but its not connect. My SBI card is block please hence i request please reopen the card. contact me ASAP. 7795205914.
Refund of credit card amount
I have not received credit card till date against reference no. EV18351782706 through BLUE DART. After SBI employee phone call I have applied for credit card in month of November/December 2018 and SBI credit card fee Rs.3538.82 dated 21/01/2019 deducted from my bank account. Therefore, it's waste of time and inconvenience to me. So, please refund my Credit Card fee.
Refund of credit card insuarance fees
I have not receiving the credit card yet now I apply for the credit card in 2018 December and the card pin reach our address with EMS speed post reference number EH 5523151281N and the deduction from my personal sbi mastercard is done as insurance fees of creditcard and please issue the duplicate more credit card. please contact with us on mobile number 9463845627.
Fake calls from customer care
I got a call today from SBI customer care stating that I will get refund of Rs 9000 which I had paid to some company, which was found to be fraud and owner arrested. I am no longer using SBI credit card. Is this true? They also offered to credit some other credit card. Is this true or somebody fake calling on behalf of SBI and cheating customers. Kindly check.
If this is indeed true SBI should send out an official email before giving a call.
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