Official website: SBI Credit Cards Online Customer Care Support Link

Customer Care
All India

If the above contact didn't helped you, here are alternatives to reach SBI Credit Cards customer support.

Contact Number

39020202 - Contact details
1800-180-1290  - Contact details
1860-180-1290 - Contact details
9212500888 - Contact details

Email - Contact details

Support Link

 - Contact details


Narasimhappa jg

Fri, 12/22/2017 - 20:43


Hi, i apply to sbi credit card my card approval.but till now i am not get any card my application no his 2029401006466.

I want to connect the sbi customer care. bt i have no reply from sbi customer care. so i want to do complain to sbi customer care.

Ashique Ali

Thu, 01/04/2018 - 13:47


Dear Sir,

Every time facing problem your officers call. why call your officer every time I don't have any payment my side all prove have. Your agent not honest. Your agent request me please make credit card no other charge means annual etc. if you make a card give my promotion in company. I impressed i told ok but my salary low he told me no problem sir i managed.

Today I facing many problem hassle me and my family so please don't call my number. I send you mail with attached prove.


Jeth mohd khan

Sat, 01/06/2018 - 07:37


My SBI card not delivery in my office address.
(CGO complex block no. 2 Lodhi Road New Delhi .. 110003..
Contact no. :9418572443

Uma mulpuri

Mon, 02/19/2018 - 10:30


From 2 days i tried BTEMI 56767 but it not possible. pl arrange 50000/- to my hdfc credit card for (6)months
try to contact me on mobile 9440055663.

Deepak tinker

Tue, 02/27/2018 - 11:03


I have availed credit card, which I have received card statement with late payment frees charges Although it has been come first time. I am not able to understand without any information bill has come with late fees charges which is not utilised with me. I have not received any information from your side to pay the bill. so how come it possible that the bill came with all charges whenever I have not used the card from one year and when I availed the card from Sbi your representative said the is free.

As per discussion with customer care please will be reimbursed and close the card immediately.

Card no. 517252672563XXXX.

Thank and regard
Deepak tinker

Rajveer Singh

Thu, 07/12/2018 - 11:33


My reissue credit card in my office address. RAJVEER SINGH 677tktptr pl asc c/56apo Bikaner Rajasthan Thanks

Malay Bhandari

Mon, 10/22/2018 - 16:50


Hi, i apply to sbi credit card my card approval. but till now i am not get any card my application no his - 2125506033244. but I received a bill by SMS. please help me and call me.

Ram KIshore Sharma

Wed, 12/19/2018 - 11:32


on 17/6/2018 , I booked an flexipay for 31470 rupya and was approved , but as that was included in my next month bill, I paid full amount 0n 5/7/2018 and 7/7/2018 after requesting to cancel my flexipay request. So they charged 31470/= 0n 18/7/2018 to cancel flexipay but they are also charging 5104.74 for this same transaction , so I have paid twice for one transaction and again paying emi for that bill . I reported this through SR no 142885942033, but no response till date.

Bhogeswara prasad

Tue, 01/29/2019 - 20:24


I have tried to contact from onsite 1800-180-1290, 1860-180-1290 but I did not get a response.

i need some clarification regarding my credit card , I have not used my credit card but they are sending the information to pay the amount. Please provide correct information regarding the contact numbers.

Dear Bhogeswara prasad, Apologies for the inconvenience caused. We would love to get in touch with you and address the issue, request you to please mail us your contact or card details at mentioning reference number 115644 in your mail to enable us to address your concern on priority.

Narain Dass

Sat, 03/16/2019 - 14:14


Hi ! I can’t got my credit card and my credit bill is generated and all payment deduct from my account!
How’s that possible! Plz revert me!

Vineet Kumar

Fri, 05/17/2019 - 14:28


Dear Sir,

In reference to my SBI Card No.XXXX XXXX XXXX 5754, I mailed to you on 04.06.2016 for deactivation of my SBI Card after clearing all dues but till you are sending me your account statements with dues.

May i know why this useless charges debited by you when i already requested 3 years before for deactivation of my card. Now I am requesting you kindly deactivate my SBI Card and send me the confirmation with zero outstanding.

With regards,
Vineet Kumar

Irfan ahmad

Wed, 07/17/2019 - 03:59


My amount is not clear 100000 my savings account but outstanding amount is show my card pls
Card number 4377486579515246

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Viki sharma

Wed, 11/13/2019 - 14:35


I am using simply click card. it's annual fee is 499 and GST but they charged me 2999 and GST in the month of October billing. I talk to customer care in the October month they told me next month billing cycle it will be reserved but they are not reversing the charges. They told me u don't have any options u have to pay.

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