011-39898918: Honda Cars Customer Care Phone Number

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Shyam S. Chhaparia

Wed, 09/20/2017 - 19:49


Dear sir,
We have Honda Amaze Reg.No. MP07CB8203. Two times we send the car to M.G.R.G automobiles pvt.Ltd, Gwalior. For replace dead axle because noise and same again noise from dead axle, please replace it. Dealer also advise to extend warranty for one year but not covered dead axle, shockers and other major parts then we continue policy or not please suggest. Please give the instructions to dealer to attend our amaze car. Please reply.

Thanking you
shyam sunder chhaparia
mobile : +919425109989


Wed, 09/27/2017 - 02:32


I am regularly getting problem with the engine, i am facing starting problem with my Honda amaze car. I have given it to the service center and they fixed the problem temporarily but it keeps coming back after some time. They also changed the battery but the car problem remains. What should i do now... my car is only 3 yrs old.

Israr Ahmad

Mon, 11/20/2017 - 15:09



I had given my car (Honda City VX 2017) for the first service in Ring Road Honda Gurgaon, that time those idiot workshop guys stolen the SD card of DIGIPAD. Now navigation system is dead. I had made communication with these duffers but no solution. I will advice to all take precaution before giving car in service and imagine your are handing over your car to a gang of thief.

1- Note down you battery serial number ask to your service advisor to fill the Sr No in RO form. (It may be changed with old battery and you cant claim).
2- Take out if any SD Card is there in your car, it may be stolen by idiot and duffer people.
3- Note down the serial number of your Tyre as well.
4- That is also possible in first and second service they will hand over your car after just washing out.

Following is the communication with these people:-
On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 12:24 PM, preeti jhamb <crm_ggn @rrhonda.com> wrote:

Dear Sir,

Greetings from ring Road Honda!

This is with reference to your feedback regarding your SD card misplaced from your vehicle. At the outset,
we regret for the inconvenience caused to you.

In view to this, we would like to inform you that our service manager (Mr. Deepak Bisht) has been given 1000/- Rs discount on service. We solicit your kind understanding on the above.

For further assistance feel free to contact us. Assuring you to provide the best of our services.

Asst Manager - Customer Relationship

From: Israr Ahmad [mailto:israr1010 @gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2017 5:19 PM
To: preeti jhamb; Ashok malik; deepak bisht
Cc: customer_relations@hondacarindia.com
Subject: Re: Response the vehicle no- HR99AB5887

Dear All,

Thanks for update. Please don't dilute the facts, these are following

1- It was Map (Navigator) MicroSD Card not a media one.
2- It was not misplaced from my vehicle but stolen during the service.
3- Mr. Deepak promise me to give best discount on new SD card not on service.
4- Since the cost of SD card is very high (7600/-) so 1000/- (1000/- was communicated with me on cost confirmation only) discount is negligible and not acceptable.
5- I was agree on discount, keeping in mind the cost would be around 2000-3000/- and discount would be 50%..

This incidence create a fear and i am not able to finalize the check list before giving my car in service and on delivery after service. Would you like to advice me to take care my car wheels, stepney, battery and engine parts etc.

Israr Ahmad

On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 1:48 PM, Deepak Bisht <service_ggn @rrhonda.com> wrote:
Dear Sir,

Greetings from Ring Road Honda!

This has reference to your appended mail and telecom we had regarding SD Card of your Honda car. We sincerely regret for the inconvenience caused as per our telephonic discussion. I gave you commitment to give you discount on SD card that’s why I offered you Rs.1000 discount on SD card on goodwill gesture as you know sir we have always given you good services in past when we have given you tyre replacement in Goodwill we express our inability to give more discount on SD card request your kind understanding on the same.

We thank you for choosing Honda Cars and for communicating with us. We look forward our long lasting relationship.


Deepak Bisht
Service Manager
Ring Road Honda (Gurgaon)
Contact No:9911362100

From: Israr Ahmad <israr1010 @gmail.com>
To: Deepak Bisht <service_ggn @rrhonda.com>,
Cc: customer_relations @hondacarindia.com, preeti jhamb <crm_ggn @rrhonda.com>, Ashok malik <gmservice_ggn @rrhonda.com>
Date: 30-05-2017 16:12
Subject: Re: Response the vehicle no- HR99AB5887

Dear Mr. Deepak,

I am thankful and appreciate your support in previous matter. But this time it look you are not ready to take any responsibility of stolen item but interested in transferring the onus on your customer. If the SD Card cost is INR 7600/- then 1000/- is not a big amount and giving discount of for such a small amount
is not an appropriate support.

So it is not a solution of my problem. Can you provide a updated list of item customer should care or remove from the car before giving it for service.

@customer_relations Honda >> Please look into the matter, it is not correct to transfer the onus on customer of stolen part.

Israr Ahmad
On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 10:00 AM, Customer Relations <customer_relations @hondacarindia.com> wrote:
Dear Sir,

We have gone through the contents of the trailing mail and wish to clarify to you incidences of losses at the dealership premises can not be undertaken at our end as any valuables needs to be taken care by the owners & the incidence of lost articles is beyond the purview of our intervention.

As the monetary refund or compensation is not possible in such cases by the dealership, they are offering benefits on goodwill considering value and relationship with you and tried all possible ways to cater to your satisfaction.

We request your understanding in this regard.

Kind regards,

Gaurav Sharma
Customer Relations
Honda Cars India Ltd.
From: Israr Ahmad [mailto:israr1010 @gmail.com]
Sent: 05\06\2017 12:05 PM
To: Customer Relations
Cc: preeti jhamb; Ashok malik; Deepak Bisht
Subject: Re: Kind Attn: Mr. Ahmad

Hi Mr. Gaurav,

I am disappoint with your mail. I would like to advice you to read mail trail once again.It was not my personal item or belonging which is misplaced during service but it was Map SD Card which is stolen, it was inserted by dealer's employee at the time of delivery and not handed over to me to insert it at my own. That is why it was my opinion it is an integral part of system. No one tell me to removed it before giving car in service.

The person who pick my car check every thing and not advice me to remove this SD Card if it was required.

Mostly customer trust the dealership keeping in mind that they represent the Company. Now my perception
have been changed that we cant simply trust a dealer.

It is just washing your hand from issue. Though it is not big amount for me but the way my issue is considered i am not satisfied, it is nothing but you are asking me to keep quiet. Let me check other options including legal advice then i will come back.

Israr Ahmad
On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 5:26 PM, preeti jhamb <crm_ggn @rrhonda.com> wrote:
Dear Sir,

Greetings of the day!

This is with reference to the trailing mail regarding SD card of your Honda City HR99AB5887. Please find attached the RO copy of your vehicle on 21.04.2017. We have also submitted our best possible clarifications to your good self on this concern.

We request your understanding in this regard.

Kind regards,
Preeti Jhamb
From: Israr Ahmad [mailto:israr1010 @gmail.com]
Sent: 09\06\2017 10:19 AM
To: preeti jhamb
Cc: Ashok malik; Deepak Bisht; Customer Relations
Subject: Re: Response from Ring Road Honda-HR99AB5887

Hello Preeti,

Thank for responding me and producing some evidence in your defense. If the RO copy is a base document in such kind of cases i would be more careful in future, it happens because i simply trust you dealership what i should not.

The person visit to pick my car, started filling RO in reception area only without inspection of the car.
When i came down to receive and bring him in parking area, i saw he is filling form. It was asked by me how you are filling form without inspection.

I have two evidence in my support:

1) The Security Guard on duty that day in reception area, he saw him filling the form.
2) CCTV footage you can see clearly, he is filling the form.

Other thing what support my claim

1- KEY CHAIN - is market as cross while my both the key having key chain from day one. It was given by Ring Road Honda only at the time of Car delivery. It means driver had not seen the key but update in his sheet.

2- BATTERY NO - No battery number is filled, only right sign is there, means bonnet was not opened by this person, but assumed by him that there is a battery in the car.

3- CASKA/AVN/SD CARD - If you see the system of car there are two slot one for Media SD Card second for Map SD Card. But in the form there is no Map SD Card column. It means slot was not checked but put the cross on SD Card option.

4- FOG LAMP is market as yes and ANTENNA is market as no while both are integral part of car model what i am owning comes fitted by the company, and both are present. ANTENNA is not removable by a non technical man like me.

It shows that the RO copy presented by you was filled before inspection of the car and the person who came to pick the car use his previous experience or he was not aware about the item need to check in this model.

I hope it will help you to understand my point of view, the worst part of this conversation is you want to make me responsible in this case while i am not, otherwise it was not a bigger matter if you really show willingness to support to your customer.

I have been spent my time costlier than SD Card value, in writing the mails. We should reach at a reasonable agreement to close the loop keeping in mind, we have to continue the relationship in near future.

Israr Ahmad

On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 12:55 PM, preeti jhamb <crm_ggn @rrhonda.com> wrote:
Dear Sir,

This is with reference to your trailing mail, We would like to inform you that RO copy was filled by Service advisor after reaching the car at workshop which was attached in previous mail. There is another Pick up format which was given to you by driver at that time. Both are different. RO copy is second cross check on Inventory.

We seek your understanding in this regards.

Preeti Jhamb

From: Israr Ahmad [mailto:israr1010 @gmail.com]
Sent: 13\06\2017 12:46 PM

To: preeti jhamb
Cc: Ashok malik; Deepak Bisht; Customer Relations
Subject: Re: Response from Ring Road Honda-HR99AB5887

Hello Preeti,

I am thankful, at least you accept that there are gaps and leakage in your process. Driver and Service Adviser both are your employee and both the document Pick Up form and RO are your internal document.

The RO was filled in my absence and no communication was made by service adviser if there was a mismatch between pickup form and RO, Why i should believe RO was filled fairly.

It is clear now onus goes to your dealership and you should take the responsibility and provide me new SD Card. I don't think there is a requirement of further discussion and clarification.

@Honda Customer Relation: While your dealer accepting process gap, you should help to your customer in such situation.

Israr Ahmad

On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 10:46 AM, preeti jhamb <crm_ggn @rrhonda.com> wrote:
Dear Sir,

This is with reference to your trailing mail. We would like to inform you that there is no process gap and leakage this is only a cross check or inspection to avoid further inconvenience.

We have already submit our best clarification to your good self. Seek your understanding in this regards.
For further assistance feel free to contact us.

Assuring you to provide you the best of our solutions.


From: Israr Ahmad [mailto:israr1010 @gmail.com]
Sent: 21\06\2017 2:33 PM
To: preeti jhamb
Cc: Ashok malik; Deepak Bisht; Customer Relations
Subject: [SPAM] Re: Response from Ring Road Honda-HR99AB5887


This is all rubbish now, You are giving false statement to cover up one theft incidence in your workshop during service. If Pick Up form and RO having different information then, why not it should be considered as process gap.

Answer me

"If there was no SDCard available in slot, why not your Service Adviser call me and update". Why it should not be considered as process gap? After getting irritating responses continuously, I reached on a conclusion that i should see other option including legal action.

Israr Ahmad

preeti jhamb <crm_ggn @rrhonda.com> Jun 21

to me, Ashok, Deepak, Customer
Dear Sir,

We have already submitted our best clarification to your good self.

Seek your understanding in this regards.

Kind Regards,
Preeti Jhamb

Israr Ahmad <israr1010 @gmail.com> Jun 21

to preeti, Ashok, Deepak, Customer


No, i am not agree and satisfied with your clarification at all.

Israr Ahmad <israr1010 @gmail.com> Jul 4

to preeti, Ashok, Deepak, Customer

Finally, i decide to lodge a FIR in my SD card stolen case in your service center.
It will give a fair chance to both the parties of explanation.

I hope your staff member and management will support.


Mohd Umair

Fri, 12/15/2017 - 18:14


Hey I have Honda city I have send it to Pushp honda dada nagar, Kanpur for replacing of broken parts but they have broken the bonnet clips and both left and right sides are no properly with the body lines even they have broken usb cover and it is missing Also worst experienced.

Never buy Jazz ever dear consumers because this car gives problems a.g pickup problem and others. So think before buying Honda Jazz.

Nishant Kumar

Tue, 08/28/2018 - 16:52


Good Morning, Honda India Team,

I would like to bring a serious issue my senior citizen father is facing. We own a Honda Amaze car. Reg no.-BR01DK3546. Around a month ago we submitted it in Vaishali Honda Patna for some insurance claim for damage.I own a nil depth insurance from Honda Assure.

Now they are telling they have disputes between Brij Honda dealership and company and we can not give you claim. My father is 66 years old and visiting their premise every 4-5 days. Let me know how we are responsible if there is disputes and how can you keep a car for so long

I have complained and here is communication id : 1-13436419367.
I have complained in Consumer Forum and here is the docket no. provided: 877774

Require your earliest response. My car is in workshop for last 40 days and no positive response received from customer care.

Rahul Deb Das

Sun, 09/16/2018 - 23:16


I purchased Honda Amaze (JH05AZ9591) (petrol) in May 2018, since then l sent the car for servicing every time it is due, never missed any. Last time I had a horrific experience, when I got the car after servicing, it had a big scratch in lower side of left back door, and on slow driving the car vibrates and leftward pulling. Even after informing the service coordinator, they are not responding at all.

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