cs@titaneyeplus.com: Titan Eye+ Customer Care Email

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Ravinder Thapliyal

Tue, 08/23/2016 - 11:09


On dt 12 Aug 2016 I have purchased a Titan frame (item code TR 1035A1A1) with lens but using frame regularly it is now broken from both support with in 3 days. This complain is also forwarded to u by shop PC Gupta and sons 325 Apsara Road Gandhi Nagar jammu. Reply which has come is that only 10% will be discount .

I would like ask u that if ur company frame is being broken within 3 days why some will borrowed the material from your brand. At last its my request that frame should be replaced without any cost .

Your valuable customer


Fri, 12/09/2016 - 14:59


I am an employee of BSNL. I was given a card for awailing 15% concession for purchasing glasses in your show rooms. I purchased a frame and glasses by sales order TMDV/029105 on 04.12.16. The cost of the frame and the glasses were Rs.2700/- and the discount on it was Rs.405/-. I paid Rs.2295/- as advance. But when I went to collect the frame and the glasses the Show room employees were not able to generate the bill for the discount and I was asked to pay the full amount. I want you to get me back the discount offered by you. If you are not able to give discounts do not promote such promotional offers and distribute it to government employees.

Details of the show room; No.7 Northveli Street, Madurai-625001.

Worst experience with titan eye plus...
This was my last specs from here. Poor customer service who even dont have the idea how to deal with customers. The nearest titan eyeplus store is 15 km away from my home. So after purchasing a new specs of 3k wben i wore the specs again in my home i say coating automotive got peeled off. As the place is so far so i was able to go after 15 days of purchase and when i said them about it they simply said that this cant be done. And my new specs is with them since 1 month.. what should I do now? please help me out.

Vilas deore

Tue, 09/26/2017 - 19:11


Sir i am order my spects from Ahmedabad shahibag Ahmedabad on 15/9/17. sales person says delivered within 5 to 6days till date not received call also not received. this is our titan eye plus reputation?

Parwez alam

Mon, 03/12/2018 - 23:18



i want to open titan eye+ show room in saharsa bihar. so i need your help, please help me. my no is 07004104524 or 09006271014.

P D Bathla

Thu, 04/19/2018 - 12:24


I visited twice to your Bareilly (U.P.) Tata eye+ showroom on 12 th & 13 th of this month regarding vision glasses of my wife Geeta Bathla. The attitude of Staff & Manager was very poor, forget about me they even do not know how to deal with lady clients.

However keeping in view of Tata co product, I booked an order against sales order no TBCL 012180 on the 13 of April. It was a shocking experience. To avoid such type of recurrence with other clients in future. I am bringing it to your notice, to save the image of brand name of Tata.

With Regards
P D Bathla


Wed, 05/09/2018 - 15:44


I have ordered Contact Lens on 11/04/18, with Sale order no: TCSC064357 and it was committed to deliver on 16/04/18 as per bill at Chennai Annanagar branch.

The material was given to me with 2 years old mfg date, which is no good for the quality oriented company like Titan which is a TATA group and I returned back the same .

I didn’t expect such a old stock delivery and pushing the same to the customer from TATA group. Nobody will be interested to buy 2 year old car or medicine etc. I enclosed the photos for the same. Because of this non- commitment in delivery, our wife could not use lens. I could not get any commitment till now.

Request you please to do the delivery immediately without further delay and not to indulge me in taking legal actions and escalate to TATA group.

Santosh hande

Sun, 05/20/2018 - 13:10


I ordered sunglasses from your site but i haven't received its delivery till now. I am also not able to tack the package. Pls help.

Ramesh S R

Wed, 07/04/2018 - 10:39


Re: Query-5661522667765760 reminder 3
revanna ramesh
customercare @titan.co.in

Dear Surekha

Still no response to my query? let me know how much time you required to resolve this.



From: customercare @titan.co.in
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2018 7:33 AM
To: revannaramesh @hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Query-5661522667765760

Dear Revanna,

Greetings from Titan eye plus!

Thank you for writing to us. We deeply regret the inconvenience caused to you. We have forwarded your complaint to the concerned department.

Your complaint reference number is : 5661522667765760

Please feel free to get in touch with us via phone or email for any further clarifications. We are available from 10 AM to 7 PM, on all 7 days of the week.

Warm Regards,
Titan Eye+ Team
Customer Care No: 1800-419-8000
Email Id: customercare @titan.co.in
Website: www.titaneyeplus.com


From: revannaramesh @hotmail.com Sent 28-06-2018 10:18 To: customercare @titan.co.in; Cc: Subject: Re: Query-5661522667765760

Why the hell there is delay in response to my query? this shows how you care your customer.

I expect you to revert on the below mail by today else will have adverse effect and matter will be escalated to your superiors.



From: customercare @titan.co.in
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2018 3:13 PM
To: revanna ramesh
Subject: Query-5661522667765760

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your email to Titan Company Ltd.
This is an auto generated email response acknowledging your email.

Your Service Request number is: 5661522667765760.

Kindly quote this for all future interactions pertaining to this service request
Our Customer Care associate will get in touch with you within 24 working hours

Warm regards
Customer Care @Titan Company Ltd

----- Original Message -----
From: revanna ramesh <revannaramesh @hotmail.com>
To: customercare @titan.co.in, encircle @promotions.titan.co.in, titaneye+ @titan.co.in
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2018 3:08:53 PM GMT
Subject: Query

>Dear Team

>Pls find the attached bill with reference to my purchase of spectacle and lenses in your store.

>I have specifically asked your store guys on the lenses are these crizal lenses and they replied that it is crizal lenses only and they also said that for authentication blow air on the lenses it will reflect the name of crizal and i tried the same but it never showed the same , thats ok now. After purchasing the same by paying this much amount now within a span of less than six month the lenses started blur.

>I visited your show room last week i showed the same to your store person in New bel road branch they replied that we cant do anything and also said that titan and crizal is two different companies and crizal is not our brand.

>Now my question is then why the crizal lenses are showcased in your show room? and pestered to customers to buy crizal lenses?

>I would like to state that i am the customer for your company since many years and this kind of service never expected.

>I want some body to rectify the same at the earliest and revert to this email.


Ganesh Ahire

Tue, 08/07/2018 - 15:34


Dear team,

My self ganesh & I had baught one fastrack frame with cryzal glasses. Saturday I visited vasai manikpur service center & gave my glasses for servicing, which I collected on Sunday however I made a big mistake keeping trust on brand & loyalty of titan I did not check the my specs there at service center.

On Monday I check the glasses that time I found it was damaged ,both side sticks were broken & to hide that mistake it was keep in such a manner that with a one look no one can identify whether it is damaged or not. As per my observation it glue was used to keep it in place with the frame.

Further, I became totally frustrated with the response from service center guys Mr. Ashish shah. he completely denied to accept their mistake & also refused to help. I was very surprise with the quality of service provided by the brand name comes under TATA group. Such type of people are destroying the complete brand name.

If anyone from titan actually understand this situation will support me with resolution. I will keep escalating this matter till the time I get proper resolution .

Warm Regards,
Ganesh Ahire
+91 7798404025

Swati Sancheti

Fri, 10/12/2018 - 20:25


Frame and lens weren't appropriate fit. Spoke to shop multiple times but his response is not satisfactory nor he is attempting any thorough resolution. His staff also understand that the glass wasn't centered properly... but instead of replacing glass, owner suggests to wear the glass at different fitting which isn't comfortable.

Will appreciate if corporate gets involved and ensure an appropriate resolution.

The service on this order doesn't really reflect Tata's business values, quality commitments and customer focus approach.


Sat, 12/08/2018 - 20:29


Kurnool sv complex showroom is not delivered prompt time. so this is inconvenience to the customer. i was booked 2.12 18. delivery time is 8th. i am waiting for glass. but show room workers says after 3 days. so i can dropped to receive the glasses. This is laziness of your employees.

K K Tarania

Sat, 12/08/2018 - 21:22


I had purchased a frame when there was a 50%discount offer on the frame. The paint peeled off. When complained the store offered to change the frame provided I pay back the 50% discount availed. What kind of logic is this? If you sale defective products/ old stock during sale then you should have made it clear that there was no guarantee. I purchased this glass within one year because the new salesman convinced that the earlier store had sold me an unsuitable frame but he will not do so as he is from a company owned store and the earlier one was a franchise. I raised the issue with customer care but after exchange of some mails they informed that they have escalated the matter to higher level but thereafter no response even if followed up.

Debasis Khuntia

Wed, 01/23/2019 - 12:01


I had purchased progressive lens after the persuasion from the sales team of Titan Eye Plus store in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. However, I was not comfortable with the lens from day 1 and informed the same to the eye plus team, they assured after 10-15 days usage, I will be comfortable. However, after 2 months also I have problems when using the same. I have complained and written numerous e-mails but the service team of ''Titan'' only sends response e-mails like ''our executive shall call back''. Unfortunately, no executive has ever call back.

It seems, they don't have any customer service department.

I have purchased new Glasses from titan Chandigarh with 1 year warranty , but within 6 months the glasses got scratches.When visited titan , they told me that we can give you 10% discount on new purchase but cannot replace the existing glasses.

Very bad quality product.. will never buy any thing from titan in future with 0% customer services.

Further complaint made at titan , but didn't got any call from titan Customer care and when asked to titan showroom chandigarh again on my complaint they told that we got response that this issue is from customer end and only 10% discount we can offer to you on new purchase.

Zakir hussain

Tue, 08/06/2019 - 19:28


Not satisfied with the service, especially after sale service. I would not recommend Titan eye plus.

Shridhar Anandan

Mon, 06/19/2023 - 17:44


I ordered titan eye specks costing Rs. 14800/- at their store ( Order noTBRB 050803 at Malviya Nagar, New Market, Bhopal on 10/06/23. IN the app status of delivery is not furnished till now. My repeated complaints in the app and customer care at titan eye did not result any meaningful resolution. The store no was not furnished in online invoice as well as in app. My call to customer care also did not had any result. They told me to contact store and with great difficulty i could get the phone no. When i contacted the store on 18/06/23, i was told that specks was ready on 13/06/23. When i asked them why it was not advised they told that they have phoned me and it was not replied. When i asked the store manager why follow up call was not made in last 5 days , why text message or whatape message was not sent, there was no reply. I asked them why status was not updated in app, again no reply. My several complaints at customercare was not attended till date.

Aadil Dalal

Mon, 11/11/2024 - 07:07


I have bought goggles but its quality is not good. i want to return and get refund.

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