+91-022-39895050: Bookmyshow Customer Care Phone Number

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All India

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I have booked 2 tickets through bookmyshow. Razorpay vpn, transaction id 903400177084. Amount is debit from my account but tickets not received from bookmyshow. Pls refund my payment.

I have booked my tickets through google pay but i have not received any confirmation and my money was deducted... Please refund my money so that i can book the new ticket

Refund or book my tickets. Money has been deducted from my account but no ticket has generated please refund my money back.

R Gopinath

Sun, 10/06/2019 - 14:59


We unable to book the tickets by using promo code which worth is rupees 3000.but not even able to book the single ticket. Kindly confirm that what is the issue behind this as we had tried multiple times and multiple days. Please credit the money back 3000 since it was being dummy one.


Erra Mahesh

Fri, 10/18/2019 - 12:19


Sir, I have booked 2 movie tickets on 18 /10/2019...in bookmyshow..for sye ra narsimhareddy movie..through Google pay I have paid amount of rupees 251. Including GST. after successful transaction it is not displaying confirmed seats. please refund my amount to Google pay account number through mobile 9010809188.

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