1800-3000-2800: Sony Mobile Phone Number

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Toll Free
9am - 9pm, 7 days
All India
Customer care number for Sony mobile phones.

If the above contact didn't helped you, here are alternatives to reach Sony customer support.

Contact Number

1800-103-7799 - Contact details


sonyindia.care@ap.sony.com - Contact details

Support Link

Live chat - Contact details
Official website - Contact details


Video camera not work. Video camera push button not included. Please insert push button to xperia Z.

The phone is not working properly. Phone has become too slow to use, to open any app or dialing any number it takes at least 5-10sec. This is not acceptable, whats the point of buying such costly phones from a reputed company like Sony. Customers can easily buy Chinese phones with exactly same features but a lot cheaper.

Atul agarwal

Sun, 05/01/2016 - 16:31


Mr. Allwyn Buthela,

This mail is in reference to my purchase of “Sony Experia Z Ultra” and our sad experience so far ;

We bought one SONY mobile phone thru Flipkart vide invoice no GHG20150600033464 dated 25th June, 2015, refer attached copy of invoice. Basis invoice, product detail is Handset/ D16858/Sony(357656054131675).

Further, we were provided Limited warranty by Sony Mobile Communications ( India ) Pvt Ltd. On receipt of handset , we inserted our Airtel sim in the phone and enjoyed un-interrupted services till March 2016. Suddenly, the handset stopped recognizing/ detecting the sim.

On 4th April, 2016 , we approached Metal Tech, Andheri Link road, Andheri–west, Mumbai, an authorized service center for Sony products. Metal Tech person pointed out that the handset does not have sim tray which was a news to us. Before this visit we never showed the handset to any mechanic or tried to open the handset• Metal Tech persons promised us that they would respond back to us next 2-3 days. Since then we have continuously following Metal tech for solution to our problem, both personal visits and phone calls. An indicative summary of their response on personal visits is us under.

4-Apr-16 - It will take 2-3 days to repair. Metal tech will call / message you to inform the status
10-Apr-16 - Nothing happened so far. Metal tech will call / message you to inform the status
12-Apr-16 - Metal tech cannot repair this handset and a mail has been written to Sony Corp for solution
16-Apr-16 - Metal tech has written mail and reminders to Sony Corp for solution and their response is awaited
23-Apr-16 - Metal tech has written mail and reminders to Sony Corp for solution and their response is awaited. Metal Teach will write a stronger mail and remind Mr. Allwyn personally to respond on the query
30-Apr-16 - Metal tech has written several mails and reminders to Sony Corp for solution and their response is still awaited. NOW Metal Teach can not do anything further. Customer should write a mail to Sony Corporations directly, addressing to Mr. Allwyn Buthello.

Apart from personal visits, we called Metal tech almost on daily basis since 4th April. Our call were either disconnected or we were just told that a mail has been written Sony Corp and response has been awaited. Despite, several promises , we have never received any response from Metal Tech to inform us the status of our complaint.

Now, as per the latest response / instructions of yesterday by Mr. Rajiv of Metal Tech, we are writing this mail to Sony Corp to looks into our problem and provide solution without any further delay. We sincerely request you to provide a new phone to us in replacement of this faulty handset, otherwise we shall be compelled to take legal action to recover the cost of phone, compensation for harassment faced by my family and re-imbursement of my legal advice cost.

I once again request Sony Corp to look into the matter and provide solution without any further delay.

Pankaj Verma

Sat, 12/07/2019 - 03:26


I purchased a new car stereo on 1/11/2019. It's not ok for first day & it hold on Sony service centre from 26/11/2019 to till now. Service centre employees are not give me satisfied feedback,

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