Vu TV Tech Support Email

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All India

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Contact Number

1800-228-455 - Contact details

Email - Contact details

Support Link

Official website - Contact details


Images not properly displayed during slide show. We could not get your help, pls provide your customer care services.

Dharmendra kumar

Fri, 12/07/2018 - 20:35


Sounds open but display is picture is not show display is only light here.

Reuben Chinna

Sun, 01/20/2019 - 20:37


Hope all is well. Earnestly looking for a positive reply. Though I wrote thrice and haven't got any response for the below message.

I'm a fan of Vu TV and I have purchased Vu smart TV. Would there be any possibility of smart tv(LED40K16) upgrade. At least for the web browser which is in opera app? Though we call it as smart tv, some of the fonts in local languages(Tamil, Telugu, Hindi) are not being supported. Really appreciate if you could push a fix. Thanks a lot.

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