Official website: Paytm Online Customer Care Support Link

Customer Care
All India
Official website of Paytm.

If the above contact didn't helped you, here are alternatives to reach Paytm customer support.

Contact Number

0120-38883888 - Contact details
011-33996699 - Contact details

Email - Contact details

Support Link

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Your customer executive not help for may purchase bike and you side properly not working and my amounts add to my wallet. plz cont. My no.9033395549.

Sangeeta Arya

Sat, 11/17/2018 - 08:06


I bought a watch order number 6008571217.nI did not get my amount even I shared my bank details still you guys did not get any action ...and recently I ordered black formal shoes you guys just cancelled my order after pay what is happening are you guys hacker. Who just want money then doesn't care about customer?? Many times I called you but you didn't talk what should I do??

Vinay Tiwari

Tue, 12/04/2018 - 14:57


I am pay the amount irctc railway ticket booking through paytm by debit card but amount deducted and ticket not book so give my refund in my a/c transaction id-100001562365352.

Piyush rathod

Wed, 12/05/2018 - 10:47


Hello, I have KYC rrgisterd via agent in jamnagqar but till date not approved and jamnagar agent not given proper answer. how to do now, problem solve or not? otherwise i complain in Grahak Surksha

MO no :8460655548

Bikash Chandra Roy

Fri, 12/14/2018 - 23:20


I need to delete my paytm account permanently... Paytm account phone number- 7001304473 & email id -bikash.mycityb

Totally waste.... i got an payment here it shows that transaction is success and money deposited in your bank but my money does not came in my bank. when i am trying to call on the no. 0120 33663377 then the computer called that number is not in service.. till now i did not get my money.

Ref no - 835405348632

Sonali mondal

Tue, 01/08/2019 - 23:13


Hello paytm. Opening the 2/1/2016 date paytm. Gave me 72 hours but my account is still not confirmed. Some help please.

I have recharge my Mob. no. 9451089743 on 9th Feb 2019 Rs. 36.00 by paytm. Payment debit on my account on 9th feb. but mob. no. not recharge nor return Rs. 36.00 till date. Please return my money Rs. 36.00 as early as possible.

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