Voltas Customer Care Email

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amit kumar

Wed, 05/06/2015 - 22:22


Voltas AC technician doesn't visit my home since last 4 days. I am having problem with my AC but customer service is very bad of Voltas. My no 9210420980.

Ashok Satsangi

Thu, 06/11/2015 - 13:19



I purchased an AC VOLTAS on 1/05/2015 , 0.75 tons from AARCO showroom , Lajpat Nagar but when I unpacked the AC the remote was missing and I contacted Mr. Ashish but after many reminders I didn't receive the remote.

I request you to get the remote delivered immediately.

Invoice no : k45/15-16/285
Mobile no. : 9811234308

Sameer khan

Tue, 07/28/2015 - 22:54


I have 1.5 ton voltas window AC.I registered my last complaint 19-05-2015 and now after the 3 months my problems are not resolved by technician. My AC work without swings and work without remote and without service and total blame of this problem is daticate to technician. When I call to Voltas Care there were not responding but one line always says the customer care sir your problem resolved shortly or transfer the call to head customer care office.... Sir my name is sameer khan and my registered mobile number is :9953168308 and my alternate number is: 7042815334 and my email ID is : muneerkhan443 Sir please resolved this problem other wise I action for this problem and misbehaving.

Noble Jose MES

Sun, 11/29/2015 - 18:22


We and have 32 Nos central AC plants, 40 Nos package type AC plants,2Nos VRF AC Plants and more than 1000 split/window type AC installed by voltas at Naval base Kochi. VRF AC plant installed by voltas on May 2010 at SFNA Garuda and not working satisfactorily from the date of installation and finally two skids are not working for last 18 months among 3 skids. Voltas vendor already visited the site last year and find out the problem. Then they estimated the cost of work and listed out the spare parts and start the work after payment. They repaired the unserviceable unit by using components of serviceable unit due to non availability of spare parts. They were unserviceable unit made serviceable and seviceable unit made unserviceable. After 2 months both units again unserviceable and inform to voltas and they are saying we have no service guarantee and also they dont know when spare parts will come which were ordered before 1 year. The problem is remaining unsolved. Please take necessary action to solve the problem at the earliest.

Baldev Singh

Thu, 04/07/2016 - 14:30


Biggest mistake of my life to purchase Voltas AC as there is no after sale service. I requested for service of my window AC on 01-04-2016. Request no.-16040108136. But after giving so many reminders, I am still waiting for service.

Amol patil

Sat, 06/04/2016 - 17:36


3rd June register complaint to call centre, still not revived any call for service. Also today call Toll free no -18004254555 but number is temporary unavailable. How can call centre number is unavailable. Completely frustrated with the Voltas service. I need urgent service. Let me know if it is possible or not or i will escalate it to Consumer court.

Sunita Pathak

Thu, 06/23/2016 - 00:05


Respected sir

I regret to inform you that the 1.5 ton split AC which I bought under your brand has started giving a new problem now the water is coming out from the inner unit in the room. Though my earlier problem of AC are still continues.

1. The fan of outer unit collides with its frame, I expect it could lead to an accident.
2. The performance of the AC is not consistent, some time its cool some time it not though my AC is only one month old. My request no is 16061205764 which I registered on 12.06.2016. After so many reminder the result is zero. My new request no for my latest problem is 16062209946 which is registered on 23.06.2016.

I expect I am a genuine case of replacement. This is not unfair to expect from reputed and trusted brand " voltas ". My registered mobile no is 9811202726 and my alternate no is 9811371242.

We expect prompt reaction.

Atreyee Basak

Tue, 01/31/2017 - 10:47


Dear Voltas team,

I had purchased a voltas 1.0 ton AC (Model No.-125EY-R) from great eastern-dalhousie who assured me of free installation. Invoice No.-DH/SA/1617/14901 Invoice date-26/01/2017. Installation request No.17012902864.

Two technicians arrived from franchisee S.N.Refrigeration on 30/01/2017 and demanded Rs. 1400/- for installation. The detailed break-up being (Angle fitting-350/-, wrapping tape-600/- and water pipe-450/-). The bill received from them is attached herewith which speaks for itself. After the installation process is over one SMS received from TD-Voltas to the effect that installation request No. 17012902864 is resolved and fees collected is Rs.0/-. What kind of fraudulent activity is this in the name of free installation?
Besides this, I also complain about the arrogant and misbehavior of the technicians who do not know the basic manners of talking to customers.

I demand an immediate explanation and refund of the installation money failing which I have to resort to consumer courts.

Anil Chilwirwar

Sat, 03/04/2017 - 14:28


I have been complaining about the AC not working since past 4 days still no service provided by ur company. If the issue is not fixed I will have to file complaint against your company.

MD Jameel ahmed

Sat, 03/11/2017 - 14:50


Dear Sir,
Product - Voltas Air Cooler VN- 050M, 2/04/2016.

Warranty- 1 Year Warranty till with Sl. No.4810016B16B014216 dated 02/04/2016.

Product Issue- Manual switches like swing, pumps were not working in the cooler. We were able to operate the cooler only in fast mode. Today on 11th the fan in the cooler collapsed.

Service Issue - No service update is given till 11th of March by the technician even after raising a service complaint and showing the issue to the technician on 7th March.

Problems faced- We purchased this cooler last summer from thirumala enterprises wanaparthy,telangana(state) and it is we r used only for two months. It is very hot in the summers and it is constantly giving problems and now the fan in the cooler is collapsed. It is both discomfort and distress due to non-working of the cooler. Also We are not able to reap the benefits of the cooler and the cooler has not served its value which is meant to serve for its price.

It is within Warranty/Guarantee period. A complaint is given on 7th March, 2016. Technician came on 7th and told us to use the cooler and said that he will make sure that it gets repaired. On 8th – 11th No service update was given.

Refund us with full amount as there is no use of replacing it. We have lost the trust in Voltas product and service. What is the use of purchasing a branded cooler if it doesn’t serve your purpose and constantly under repair? In the least case replace the product. Please settle our grievance within 15 days otherwise we are going to file a complaint with the Consumer Forum as we are protected under the Consumer Protection Act of 1986.

All the cost and expenses of the consumer complaint will be borne by you. Damages & Compensation for Mental Anguish in delayed service and legal case will also be borne by you. Please be aware of all the above mentioned things and handle this grievance carefully and immediately.

Yours Truly
Jameel Ahmed
Mob. 7794860339

Kailash Rochlani

Thu, 04/13/2017 - 18:58


Senior Supervisor Mr.Ashok of your C.Care on 11/4/2017 at 14:47 hrs gave me the Request No 17041113137 regarding service of Window AC purchased in July 2015,for which 2 free services during 1 year warranty period could not be availed.After listening to my reasons and circumstances explained,he very kindly agreed for giving one free service.But some Gentleman Sh.Pawan from service centre today refused to do free service,thereby the deputed engineer went back wasting their own/my time.Getting your C Care Tel Nos extremely busy, I request that the AC has been stalled at the Office of our Trust named as SINDHI PANCHAYAT and All the ACs we have are of VOLTAS only.As a loyal customer we expect this little favour - Regards.

C.B., Mathura

Wed, 06/07/2017 - 19:13


I have purchased 1.5 ton split AC from Shiv light House & Brothers , Krishna Nagar Mathura on 28.03.2014. It is not working properly for last one month due to some defect in its compressor. I made a complaint regarding this on the toll free number provided on your website many times, but your officers are not responding on my complaint. So I have to sent this e-mail. Please rectify this problem as soon as possible .

Your's regards
Cantonment Board Mathura ,
Mathura Cantt.
Phone No. 0565-2470178

HI this is Ram. Mob: 9885560611, I have purchased Tata Voltas desert cooler 70 litres in Bajaj Electronics, A.S.Rao Nagar Hyderabad, on 23/2/2017. Cooler got some problem for 12/7/2017, i am keep on calling from 12/7/2017 to till date to voltas call centre but no response.

Simply they are telling same story from 12/7/2017 to till date (story was my service executive will call u). Today I called Mr. Devendar service area person he said he will come today. I am waiting for his visit. Please solve my problem if he will not visit today. I have taken cooler because it is a reputed brand, I trusted Tata and Voltas brand, that's why I have taken this product.

But this customer care call centre is not given any response, I have called them atleast 9 to 10 times, they will keep me hold for 20mins and they will not give any response.

Tata and voltas is very reputed brand doing like this, worst service form voltas. I never expected from you. How can I refer other persons to buy voltas products. More has i am using voltas brand ac also. I told many persons to busy voltas ac only. But now onwords I will not refer any one. For today I will wait for your service person, if dint came, please solve my problem.

Sukanta Mahapatra

Sat, 03/24/2018 - 14:48


We are the amc customer of the company. We lodge a complain on dated 23/3/2018 morning 10.21 am BH 92243 Complain no. svc170797. They are not taking any step to provide service. It is the company very bad service provider in India. They are not give important to customer service . They give importance only to sell product. sukanta mahapatra, Contact no 7381082614.

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