9818994444: Voltas Home Appliances Phone Number

Contact No
Home Appliances
24 hours, 7 days
All India
Alternate number: 1860-599-4444
Customer support number for Voltas home and kitchen appliances like refrigerator, washing machine, microwave, dishwashers etc.

If the above contact didn't helped you, here are alternatives to reach Voltas customer support.

Contact Number

9650694555 - Contact details


vcare@voltas.com - Contact details

Support Link

Official website - Contact details


Dear Jitendra kumar,

Thanks for voicing your concern. Please be assured that we are working on your problem and we will get in touch with you at the earliest. For any further clarifications, please write to us at voltas.socialmedia@gmail.com.

Voltas Online Team

Bipin B Gajjar

Thu, 02/15/2018 - 09:59


I have purchased 150 lts horizontal deep freezer to store french fries and other veg products which needs -18℃ temperature. The temperature control shows 1 to 6 and HI. To achieve -18℃ temp which number from 1 to 6 will I have to set the knob. This is urgent pl reply soon.

Hi, Suddenly my fridge is not working properly i have purchased for shop needs but i am trying contact with your service phone number but your service is not connecting. please solve my problem.
phone: 9110599107

Dear Mr. Kumar,

We hope your issue has been resolved. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. Please feel free to give us your feedback at voltas.socialmedia @gmail.com.

Voltas Online Team

Hirender singh

Thu, 08/20/2020 - 17:33


Hi ,

I called on 1800 266 4555 and booked ac service and repair on 18-July-2020, serivce man name is Mr JAVED. After service there ia damage done to AC where it a strange noise started from AC fan and till date it is still happening . I called back atleast 20 times on customer care and 10 times to service man but none appeared back. This is last warning otherwise I will report to police on charges of causing damage to my AC. Call me back if there is any genuine person from this company or are all fraud.

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