wecare.in@sodexo.com: Sodexo India Customer Care Email
Customer Care
All India
If the above contact didn't helped you, here are alternatives to reach Sodexo India customer support.
Lost my meal pass for the month of jan'17
Kindly block the coupons to whomsoever who has taken mine as I had lost the coupons worth Rs.2755 for the month of jan'17. My mobile no.9446474666. In case to contact me.
Product list
I want know which which product will be buy only through coupon / vouchers.
Issue of Sodexo coupons
We want to issue sodexo coupons to our employees. Pls let's know procedures of getting coupons and how it works?
Poor service
Mr. Kiran, Sodexo Bangalore, Relationship Manger, Mobile-9964743281, Provided poor customer service. i am unhappy about sodexo customer service.
Sodexo card pin
You send me a pin, but it is missing. so please send me a new pin or send me pin changing process.
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