9716012345: Aircel Customer Care Phone Number

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Customer Care
24 hours, 7 days
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Hi Dharmpal,

We hope your issue has been resolved. Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. Have a nice day.

Thanks and Regards
Customer Service Officer | Social Care Team
Email us at aircelsocialmedia@aircel.co.in

My number was off because of non payment of bill. I have already paid my bills two days back but my number hasn't started working. Plz update my bill and start my number.

Hi vikash ,

We hope your issue has been resolved. Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. Have a nice day.

Thanks and Regards
Customer Service Officer | Social Care Team
Email us at aircelsocialmedia@aircel.co.in

I am really not satisfied with aircel....!!! My aircel number is 8553523813 and 3g data is not working at all....!!! Plz solve this issue. In spite of doing manual settings it's not working. B4 it used to work so well not its horrible..!!!

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