Boat Customer Care Email

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Wed, 10/11/2023 - 21:09


Airdopes 115M BOAT left side ear bud is not working at all properly. I need replacement for my white Siberia boat airdopes 115M.BOATHDPH597338.19281536|U.101664480652.

Payal Chaurasia

Mon, 10/16/2023 - 21:13


I want to register my product for warranty but i don't find the link for that .. Please tell me how i can do that.. Whenever i search the boat product warranty registration on google, registration complaint page was opened.

Deeksha sharma

Sat, 11/18/2023 - 11:00


I bought a boat wave beat smart watch in january. ...but Now there is a battery issue in it ....I want to claim but asked me for a serial no. Which is mentioned on the box ....but they told that incorrect serial no. now what I do and where I find an appropriate serial no.?? Plz help.

Raghava B S

Thu, 11/23/2023 - 20:33


I am book a boat rockertz 333 pro 60 hours battery Bluetooth headset book on July 13 2023 but now a days isn't not working. pls check this was in an warranty period.

Lokesh Singh

Sun, 01/21/2024 - 21:27


I need to claim my warranty for my headphones.... it is not working properly... one side is audible and the other side is not audible. so, i need to claim my warranty for my headphones.

Aman pandey

Wed, 01/24/2024 - 22:58


I need to claim my warrenty of Boat blitz 1500 home theater. it is not working properly. It has sound issues as well as one speaker is not working.

Geeta Mishra

Mon, 03/04/2024 - 14:37


Having issue with airdopes 138 right buds charging/not in good condition, which service deny as damage product. I have handover product in good condition. How it's damage. Need proof of same. Why I should suffer for it?...

Waste power bank only 2 weeks it's working after that not working and not giving response also it's Flipkart company. I have 1 yr warranty but not exchange and not giving correct response 😡.

Majid Mustafa

Wed, 03/27/2024 - 11:04


I bought boat headphone and it's not working properly. Its on/off switch is not working and 1 year has not completed. But still my warranty was rejected and there is no physical damage on the headphone.

Ranjeet Bind

Thu, 05/02/2024 - 14:46


My wireless boat Airdopes Bliss ANC earphone is having bluetooth connecting problem, as it keeps disconnecting. And if it connects i am facing call issue as there is no sound going or coming. There is also battery issue and the backup is very low. I have tried to connect the earphone to different phones but facing the same issue.

Please solve this problem. I want you to replace it as it is still in warranty.

I purchase headphones on 5 March 2024 which is having a manufacturing defect and is under warranty.

following are the issues faced

1) sound in the headphones are not clear
2) wire coating is missing due to which wire has crimped off from the ear bud this is clear manufacturing defect.

I have been contacting flipkart since march 2024 but issue is not solved.

Since the product is under warranty and to claim the warranty i need serial number of the product which is missing on the box as well as on the device and this complain is logged with the flipkart without serial number i cannot fill the warranty claim form.

kindly see to it and resolve the issue as soon as possible.

I bought Boat company Airdopes 170 and I send for warranty repair through the warranty customer service 10 days back. But now they are not responding for that product. I want it to be repaired or replaced and returned to me.

Ankit kumar

Wed, 06/12/2024 - 14:14


My Boat Airdopes 161 are not charging, and when I checked the serial number after ordering from Flipkart, it does not match. How can I change it now? The serial number mismatch is occurring.

Ankit Kumar

Sat, 06/22/2024 - 08:38


Earbuds not charging while inside the charging case even when the case is charged.

Vikash Gupta

Tue, 07/09/2024 - 14:14


Delivery boy name - Ashish Singh
Mobile number+919517147484
Company name -ecom
Extra delivery charge payment was taken from me.

Rajanikant biswal

Tue, 07/30/2024 - 15:55


I buy boat 131 pro airdopes but now it's not working properly...right side airdopes work properly but left side not audible. so I need to claim warranty for my airdopes.

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