Panasonic Customer Care Email

Customer Care
All India
Customer service email for all Panasonic products like TV, Smart phone and Home appliances.

If the above contact didn't helped you, here are alternatives to reach Panasonic customer support.

Contact Number

1800-103-1333 - Contact details

Support Link

Official website - Contact details
 - Contact details


Hi i purchased 43’ panasoniv tv last nov , everything was fine . All of a sudden it stopped working there was white rays all over the screen ,, i called the repair guy and straight away said its damaged i asked for a reason howbit happened , i also explained him the complete story bit he qas just focusing on its damaged also he asked me to sign the papers what he brought with him, i refused to do that coz i havent done abything and he us asked me to sign as it is physically damaged , and also said there will be a cost of 25000 for screen repait so what is the purpose of a subject ir a thing in warranty period. I do understand if there was any intentionally damaged done I wouldn’t have said no but repair guy straight away said it will cost you 25000 , i purchased the tv for 35000 and i would be paying 25000 for repairing does that sound ethical. I need it to be done immediately please , contact number 8800649050.

Vishnu Pal

Tue, 08/22/2023 - 04:20


Hii purchase new ac it's 3 month old. I am facing cooling problem and I am call customer care no. He said 3 and 4 days issue resolved but till know it's pending 25 days complete my complaint. I purchased Panasonic product it's good but it's totally loss my money service is zero.

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