Racold Geyser Customer Care Email

Customer Care
All India
  • Customer service email of Racold water heater and geyser.

If the above contact didn't helped you, here are alternatives to reach Racold Geyser customer support.

Contact Number

08600256000 - Contact details
1860-425-2288 - Contact details

Support Link

Official website - Contact details


Reese Global S…

Sun, 11/11/2018 - 12:32


Facing problem in geyser, pls rectify.

Ms Santosh Mittal
model: Racold CDR 10 Litre
Date of Puchase: 6 Dec 2017
Customer Address: 93/4, Tulsi Marg ,Vijay Path , Mansarovar Jaipur .
Mob:9413586550, 9414753044.

Sahib Sehrawat

Tue, 01/29/2019 - 11:25


Absolutely useless. No help at all, No list of engineers to repair geyser. Do not answer telephone. Complete waste of time.

Radhakrishnan …

Tue, 02/12/2019 - 11:20


I am having a 10 litre geyser of eterno 2 model. Water is leaking from the geyser. I request your service. kindly do the needful at the earliest. My contact No.9445953156

R Janardhanan

Thu, 02/28/2019 - 18:21



I have raised a complaint on 12/2/2019 stating that there is leakage of water in the geyser. One service Er. came on the next day and told that thermostat is not working properly and there is leakage in the drum, hence both the things are to be replaced. On 14/2/2019 I contacted the shakthi Enterprieses in the number your customer care had given and informed them that since water is getting heated and only the drum has to be replaced since there is a leakage and asked the Madam in charge of shakti enterprises to send some other engineer to clear the problem.In fact she told that she will attend to it immediately but they didn't send any person. In fact I reminded person in charge on friday to send the service engineer preferably on saturday and sundays because I have to be their when the service engineers visits my house.

The Madam incharge told the she will send the service engineer on 23.2.2019 and no service engineer visited my house. By evening I contacted her over phone and she told that she was in training for the whole day and she could not send the engineer on that day and said that she will send the service engineer on the next day being 24th sunday. But no one came. The service engineer who has been allotted to do the service contacted me on sunday evening and told that he will be coming at 7 pm on monday. since I was in office I could not come home. Hence I told the service engineer to come on 26/2/2019 by 11.a.m to 11.30 am for which he had agreed.

When I contacted him the next day by around 10.30 he said that he is already having some work to attend e and said that he will come after 12.00 noon. Since I have lot of work in my office I went to office. I did pick up the phone calls since i was driving. I have informed humpty number of times to Madam in charge of shakthi enterprises that I will be available only on saturday and sundays and as i have been waited for the service engr. arrival they did not send them either on saturday or on sunday. Please kindly note I made a complaint in the customer care on 12/2/2019 and more than 10days have gone there was no proper response from your end as well as from the service agency. Is this the way you treat your customer.

Today I have received message that the complaint made by is closed without any word from your customer care. More over last time also when I made the complaint it took almost 10 days to repair. Now this time also the same had happened and without informing the customer you have closed the complaint. Is the way you treat your customer. When the geyser will be serviced please inform or message. Waiting for your reply.

Thank You
R. Janardhana

K T Kishor Babu

Thu, 03/16/2023 - 11:29


We purchased at a time 2 Racold geysers. One having water leakage, informed to through online complaint. One person came duly charging 300 service charges.. Its ok.. They says within one month replacement done.. From last 4 months nobody came and no initiation from Racold company. I want immediate action.. 9849912919 / 9505081503. Narayanapuram Rajahmundry.

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