Karur Vysya Bank Customer Support Email

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Yata Venkatesh

Sun, 01/13/2019 - 22:45


Hi this is yata venkatesh Hythnagar branch.11.01.2019 this day has transaction to andhra bank 1200Rs.But not sent and debit for 1200Rs my account.But not credit 1200Rs in till date now.
Transaction details ID:P1901111624081409960695
Transaction date:11.01.2019, 16:24:11
Status: Pending

Subramanian N

Thu, 03/14/2019 - 11:55


This is Subramanian. N operating SB a/c from Ramapuram, Chennai branch. I have transferred INR 349 thro' my Debit Card No. 4214 3601 1757 6308 to RELIANCEJI (JIO INFOCOM/MUMBAI) on yesterday 13.3.2019 at 22:25:34 hours after getting OTP No.892616 for eCom txn. But, till this time that related amount has not been credited in their account. Suppose, that transaction has failed please reverse the amount in my a/c.

Subhas Babu Aluru

Thu, 02/24/2022 - 21:30


The secret questions and answers facility has been locked for user IDs due to 3 consecutive wrong attempts. Send mail to customer supports and KVB to activate the facility immediately.

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