Official website: Morphy Richards India online Customer care support link

Customer care
All India

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Contact Number

022-41280022  - Contact details

Support Link

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Paras jain

Mon, 07/20/2015 - 11:25


I booked Morphy Richards icon dlx1000 food processor from kohinoor dadar, Mumbai on 14th july. I got delivery on 17th july. On 19th july while kneading dough in processor heavy smoke emits from machine and regulating knob also became loose. Today i am calling on customer care no but one is picking phone. pls do attend as early as possible.

Narinder Sharma

Wed, 01/02/2019 - 15:17


I purchased Salvo storage water heater 15 ltr capacity on 8/2/18. The water does not get heated properly and the hot water finishes while taking bath. Number of complaints have been made nothing is improved rather the water geyser for the last 5-6 days is lying dismantled for want of new element. We the sr.couple are being harassed in the acute winter season for no fault of us.

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