022-41280022 : Morphy Richards India Customer Care Phone Number

Contact No
Customer Care
24 hours, 7 days
All India
Call this Morphy Richards care number for all services related queries.

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Veer Singh

Thu, 04/12/2018 - 08:21


Very bad customer service, my murphy richards electric kettle is not working and service center is asking for money to repair it, although it is still in warranty.

Satpal singh

Mon, 12/24/2018 - 14:31


Worst customer care .I have made a complaint for my juicer mixer grinder on 16 Dec. no body has turned up. I have reminded cus care several time but no effect. Their senior Mr Manish and Anjali Nigam never pick up phone. What should I do? Curse the day when I purchased Morphy Richards Divvo essential juicer mixer grinder.

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