1800-2588-110: InFocus Customer Care Phone Number

Contact No
Toll Free
Customer Care
10am - 7pm, 6 days
All India
Call regarding any complaint or questions about your mobile phone, LED TV etc.

If the above contact didn't helped you, here are alternatives to reach InFocus customer support.


customersupport@infocusindia.co.in - Contact details

Support Link

Official website - Contact details
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 - Contact details



Sat, 08/12/2017 - 23:05


Bad service from the company. My mobile was having touch problem and i tried to contact the customer care but they are not reachable. Its a waste of money to buy any phone from infocus.

Third class customer service from the company. Infocus phones are bad but their service is even worse. Never gonna buy again from them.

Inayat ali

Sun, 05/13/2018 - 08:46


My mobile is infocus turbo5 plus. mobile hanging is my first problem and my phone hide the contact numbers automatically. please help me.

Braham P Bhatia

Mon, 05/14/2018 - 12:28


Ur Nehru Place New Delhi service center contact details not updated. Am having battery issue it's gets drained at 36%.

I have in battery issue. And i was going your authorised center and i was called also your cc no. Evrybody saying me this phone parts are not available, We cant solve your problem. My friends dont buy phone from INFOCUS company. Totally BAKWAAAAASSSSS company.

My problem is my phone have hanging problem and do work very slow and my dual camera is not working.

Anil soni

Wed, 08/01/2018 - 22:30


I switched off my phone and not its not turning on. Its only showing Infocus logo, its not going ahead. I have given it to service center. If you dont repair without charging money i will go to the consumer forum.

Sujata Paul

Sun, 08/05/2018 - 00:47


I have InFocus vision 3. On 1st August my phone got burst very badly, now what to do? how can I get my money back.? where do I complaint?


Wed, 08/08/2018 - 21:34


I am using my Turbo 5 phones their goods but the update is not available, so phone was a very slow. please update quickly.

Chandan kumar

Sun, 08/12/2018 - 20:35


Infocus mobile mike is not working. Please call me 8581801975.

Vill bishunpura post makhua p.s harsiddhi
East champaran (bihar), pin - 845437

Vinayak chavan

Sat, 09/29/2018 - 07:51


My 4G sim of Vodafone in infocus turbo5 mobile when 4G network available the network shows 4GR (roaming) at that time I do not operate internet & calling also roaming.

Ranjeet Singh and

Sat, 09/29/2018 - 21:42


I had bought my new Infocus turbo 5 mobile before 7month ago. this phone is heating and when I charged it 100% after sometime when charging remain 60%the phone shutdown automatically. Then I feel so bad why did I purchase this phone.

Kamrul Shah

Sun, 11/25/2018 - 14:42


InFocus is 3rd class brand. It is totally bakwas company in the world. If anyone try to find any worst mobile company in the world so they will never get this type of worst company.

Amit rokade

Thu, 03/14/2019 - 21:07


My infocus battery Turbo 5 is not revive 2 month customer care not responding my order.

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