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I have received one intex mobile through snap deal invoice date 11 sept. 2014 but certainly it might have taken few days to receive. I am facing a big challenge that it is not update no proper apps are being installed & above all it has developed hanging. Please help me in sort out this problem. At my place there are two service centers. Please inform them that they should sort out the problem persist in mobile.

I have purchased intex cloud fx and i want to attach it with my laptop. Pls tell me were we get free pc suit.

Vishal Prabhuessai

Sun, 09/21/2014 - 20:18


Only two months past I had bought mobile and its not working properly when I m operating it, it suddenly goes off & its screen blinks every now and then. So I want to replace the said phone.

I have purchased intex aqua i5 hd just before six months and its not working properly. It gets switched off as we make a call. I have given it two times in customer care for service but they just formats it n gives back...I request you to please replace my mobile n give me new one. Thanks


Tue, 10/14/2014 - 18:29


Just 2 month passed I bought new phone intex aqua y2 and it is not working properly neither its headphone. When I charge my it decreases its charging nd then switch off...plz I want my phone to b replaced. thank u

Bhupal rawat

Thu, 12/11/2014 - 12:08


i bought intex aqua star HD, its touch crushed by me just in 5 days. i gave it in service center, today is going to be them 20 day but i still i have not got it! the service staff saying that we dont have a parts of this phone. i think i waste my 10000 rupee in the intex phone, service is verry poor not good. i want my money back or new phone otherwise repair my phone n give me it soon. plzz replace my phone till 4 day.

Sir, I bought intex agua 3G on 8th dec 2014. It wsn't having proper network. I went to intex service center in sec 15,ggn and they convinced me by saying that it will be repaired in few days by the company. They returned it in 20 days bt the problem wsn't solved. It's still not having network signals. They said that I shud buy a new set. Bt i want you to repair or replace it coz i haven't used it till now. And spending money on just buying cell phones doesn't sounds good. So please help me in the above said manner.

Problem: touch and over heating
Jobsheet no:501125719001T001
Submit in service center 12/01/2015
already one month complete not complete work. please extend warranty. Not respond local service center and help line. i meet your local service center and phone not complete my work. Today iam calling 18601085555 help line complete my work 13/01/2015 no information call and message. My phone useing u and u r staff please my phone hand over immediately and extra warranty.

Sir, Plz tell me the pin of aqua power. When i try to install gprs setting it asks me internal pin plz hlp me.

I am unable to connect internet and even not able to use whatsapp on my intex smartphone. my number has been blocked from whatsapp server so how to install it again to use it.

hai, i had purchased intex mobile on 23rd march 2015, today 17th april phone display is not working, (fully white). what can i do now ???

jagjit singh

Thu, 04/23/2015 - 13:50



InteX Aqua I7 handed over to service center at Jalandhar on firstly on 20 Mar 2015 but received back without solving the problem on 03 Apr 2015 on the same time not picked up from Service and again handed over vide Job Sheet No 504032031001T001 do 03 Apr 2015. But till date phone not received back after solving the problem. Kindly instruct the service to return the mobile duly repaired or solve the problem. And instruct them to extend the warranty period also as phone lying with the from 20 Mar 2015 till to date.

This N Reds
Jagjit Singh
M 9464011421

I have a phone named intex aqua y2. there is an internal problem we have given to u plz solve the problem. I request to u plz fix this problem, I have given my cell to u so plz fix this problem quickly.

I have Intex aqua power mobile I used 2 day ago there was automatic update option after that my mobile suddenly switched off and then after that I found one error " no command ". I m really tired after that... plz give me right solution...otherwise change new. Model..... its in warranty.

I am too having the same problem of 'no command' error. I have reset to factory setting and now my mobile does not reboots and shows this error.

Sir,I bought new mobile Intex Aqua T5 on 2/10/2014 works upto 6 months and then after not worked properly. Then gone and submitted my mobile in Cell Tech service centre an authorised one at egmore 2 months before to replace mobile of same model still not yet received and they wasting warranty time period also not giving the proper response. So pls hand over my mobile as soon as possible and extend the warranty.

Devendar Singh

Wed, 06/03/2015 - 12:00


I have purchased Intex Aqua Star HD Mobile Phone on 6th Oct, 2014 but it is not working properly. It switched off automatically and battery is also making problem. I have given it two times on 03-03-15 & 14-03-15 your service Center namely GN Trade, Gali No. 3 Near Azadpur Fruits Mandi New Delhi-110033 for service but the problem is not solved. You are requested to solve the problem otherwise replace my mobile.

I have a phone named intex aqua style pro on 02 oct 2014 but it was not working properly. it totally display blinking and battery also not working. you are requested to solve the problem other wise replaced new phone.

Nitin Dongarwar

Fri, 06/05/2015 - 15:14


my inter aqua xtreme has problem in 2 month, applications not working. auto restart. touch not working my jobsheet no. 505166252001T001 & serial no. of main product is 911415700360116 please

Tapas Chakraborty

Mon, 06/15/2015 - 18:53


Due to automatic refreshing or auto restart of the mobile, I have already handed over my mobile to the Service center at Vijay Enterprises,Manglunia Bhawan, Dr.B.Baruah Road, Opp: Nehru Stadium, Guwahati, Assam vide Job Set No.505145903021T001 on 14/05/2015 but sorry to say till today 15/6/2015 I have not received my Mobile duly repaired by the Company or no information from their end. I hope Intex Company should take necessary action in this regard immediately

bikash sarma

Sun, 06/21/2015 - 15:44


Most of the time my Aqua Star 5 network becomes disconnected.But it apears as I have network,when I try to make call it call doesn't go and people find me switched off. then when i restart the phone it shows no sim. Kindly give me the solution.

Gurpreet Singh

Mon, 06/22/2015 - 20:42


Sir , I purchased a set intex aqua star L In Sri nagar Jammu & Kashmir but when came to Punjab after some time some default is seen to me in 1month like flash don't work well ,there is no showing of Punjabi language , it's volume on button is now dead ,it front camera is give of 2MP but it show the selfe bad than VGA camera. ..most important that its loudspeaker give sound like broken . For this I give it in care centre on 22 may 2015 for repair I wait for it till 16 June 2015 but company sent me the other head set Intex aqua star ll HD but it was very very very very very dirty bad than my phone ...I'm not satisfied with this phone .. I spent on it my 8400 rupees but the which phone has company send to me it has just prise Rs6990 what I'm look for ...I want my set back or other set which have great functions or having price Rs8000 . I request to company please do some thing for me and solve my problem .. Otherwise I have the one way to register a FIR against company ..

gaurav bhardwaj

Wed, 07/01/2015 - 12:14


i have a intex aquqa y2 pro which is bougth by me three month ago.i can't open any app in my phone since 3 day,i am not in that city from where i bought my phone,please help me.

Patel CharulKumar

Wed, 07/01/2015 - 15:22


Call (incoming and outgoing) disconnects automatically while talking after few seconds. I'm very much unsatisfied with this.I'm totally disheartened by seeing this issue. Plus, even missed calls doesn't show up.

I purchased Intex Aqua Star ||, but i'm not satisfy this phone. Could anyone help me.

Manjeet singh

Thu, 07/02/2015 - 19:39


I bought intex aqua 4.5e its touch crushed by me. i gavetoin service center for four times, service staff bring a new display but is not working properly. service is not very good. i want my money back or new phone otherwise repair my phone and give me it soon. plzz replace my phone till 4 day. mobile are not repair and not given to me then i complain to consumer forum. mobile no 9416438546.


Tue, 07/07/2015 - 12:10


my mobile is intex aqua style 4.0. This mobile has been repaired two times and i am not satisfied with the service and am angry. so should replace my mobile. now mobile in head office.

amarjit tisso

Tue, 07/07/2015 - 15:54


i am to bring in your notice that the Intex Aqua Extream V have been send for repairing on 3/06/2015 at the service centre Guwahati for display change, promising to return within 15 days but now its already 33 days and no proper responds have been recive from your end.

when are you going to give me back the mobile? such low grade company should not exist in the market if fail to respond or understand the problems face by the customer. My IMEI NO.911415702019538. if i am not receive immediately i shall file a case in the consumer forum ACT. against the company.

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