1860-180-3000: V-Guard Customer Care Phone Number

Contact No
Customer Care
9am - 7pm, 7 days
All India
Alternative number: 0120- 4850100 / 1800-3000-1800.
Customer support timing on Sundays: 9 am to 6 pm.

If the above contact didn't helped you, here are alternatives to reach V-Guard customer support.


customercare@vguard.in - Contact details

Support Link

Official website - Contact details
 - Contact details


Hi Team,

My v-guard stabilizer is not working. Can u please send someone to my place for repair? My contact number is 7204236081.


My v-guard water pump is not working. Can u please send someone to my place for repair? My contact number is 9447331736

Joy John

Tiruvarur district salangai man Union paadagacheri panchayat oht, 5 hp submersible motor coil burned, repair with guarantee card.

K Shashidhara Basri

Tue, 06/26/2018 - 17:12


I had purchased 5 V-guard Vajra DX fans from one of the dealers on 27th March 2018. Out of the above, one fan is very much problematic. The noise is unbearable. Since the the fan is under warranty, please replacement the fan or send your representative to look into the matter.

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