Official website: Mahanagar Gas Online Customer Care Support Link

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Nitin Chandrak…

Wed, 08/04/2021 - 10:18


I Mr. Nitin C. Shah C.A. No.210000170583, Bp.No. 1100188374

here with write a complain because our old meter replaced with new meter on 02.06.2021 we have received bill of Aug 2021 reading start with 3232 upto reading nil & new meter reading 3. consumption 49 points.

we would like to inform you at the time of replaced new meter, by default reading displayed 03 point. Current bills received consumption 49 point but old meter end of the reading point not mentioned. we had not consumed 49 point in any month, please check earlier bills. our approximately consumption 30 or 33 point in every month. please do the needful & adjust excess amount in the next bill. current month bill we will paid with in a week.

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