Official website: V-Guard Online Customer Care Support Link

Customer Care
All India

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I have a V Guard stabilizer VND 400 for my 1.5 ton AC. In the last one year it has to be repaired three times and its still under warranty. I want it to be replaced.

C. P. Tripathi

Sun, 03/11/2018 - 08:11


My water pump set is V-Guard VSP-H80/1440RPM, 0.5HP, purchase date on 3rd March 2018. It is not working, i want to get it repaired.

Roddam sreenivas

Sun, 07/29/2018 - 18:14


I Just one month back brought V guard v400 model AC stabilizer. It was suddenly not functioning. purchase date 7th july 2018. I want to get it repaired.

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