Su-Kam Customer Care Email

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Bad impression/experience by SU-KAM service Centre of Agra(U.P) at our PETROL PUMP. A complaint (no.88103C13110118) was registered at SU-KAM tollfree no. on 19/04/18 at 13.05 and the phone attender revert me that complaint will be attended within 12hrs. We Convey our failure of Inverter Msg to Agra Service Centre Incharge (Mr. Hajarilal) with intimating the registration of complaint and requested to send attender as soon as possible so that generator can be consume less Diesel or less expenses can occurred during Sale. For general information it is necessary to clear that we had installed more larger Su-Kam inverters in-addition with this complained Inverter but if anyone fails than it disturbs the smoothness of Sale and is satisfactory if it repairs within time.

Moreover we contact next day on 20/04/18 at 10.30am to Agra Sukam Service Centre from where we were informed that an attender named Mahesh no.09219138208 had left to your petrol pump (21 km) and will reach directly at your site within an HOUR. But he reached at 2pm(after3.30 Mins). As per our information if we would have also offer him personal reward (greed) on phone in the morning than he would not go to attend his personal customer before reaching at our site.

It is ZERO do get inverters in AMC instead of getting personal touch with Local Service Centre offering the limited budget.

Balaji electricals

Mon, 04/29/2019 - 12:23


Falconeco 1000/12v not working... Dealer name Balaji electrical add-Bhutan Road near public bus stand city-rangia state-Assam pin -781354 mob-9864474078.

D D Nadaf

Sat, 07/06/2019 - 18:19


Su-cam inverter service customer care no not working 18001024423 next cust care email not response.

Anshul Tayal

Mon, 01/27/2020 - 14:04


Hi Team,

I have purchase Sukam inverter with warranty, now its not working since last 2 months, I am trying to contact Sukam inverter customer care but no response on call/ email. kindly get in touch with me urgently.

Anshul tayal

Sohail Ahmad

Mon, 09/07/2020 - 11:31


In warranty inverter and battery but its not charging at all. Called helpline number but no resolution of my problem yet.

Charan Singh

Mon, 09/20/2021 - 10:10


Neither respond on e mail nor on phone call for service inverter. Further toll free shown found wrong. How we can approach for service?

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