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Laptop model:- Fujitsu s- series life book notebook
Model no. - S6110
I have got the above laptop, recently had a problem with it. It shutdown automatically and when i resarted, it doesn't boots into windows. I tried recovering it through the recovery partition but its not working. I need to solve this ASAP. Plz help.


Sun, 06/19/2016 - 21:17


My laptop is not starting although it si fully charged and connected to the power outlet. It was working fine couple of hours ago. Plz suggest a solution.

My laptop Model:A544, is not shutting down when I shutdown this, whereas this is showing as "shutting down". The Power indication remains 'ON'. When after this process of shutting down I open the laptop it starts automatically. When this is not in use power indication remains flickering, thus draining the battery unnecessarily. Please help.

Myself Subhash K A. I have a brought a Fujitsu Laptop on 18 February 2016. My Laptop Model is Fujitsu Lifebook A514.

Serial No:YM3P066794

But now I am facing a problem with the item. The Laptop has some problem with the keyboard. Some of the keyboard keys are not working now. When I press on some of the number keys the adjucent number key is also getting pressed.

During the purchase a one year warranty was offered for the item. So I kindly request you to assist me regarding the Laptop repair. How will I get the item repaired?

When I called on Fujitsu customer care India, they told me to mail the problem along with the keyboard snap shot and my home address,
both are being attached with this mail.

Subhash K A,
Edachal House, Aninha, Perumbala POST, Kasargod DIST, Kerala, India, PIN- 671317
Phone Number: 9633223445, 9400753378

Again I kindly request you to consider my mail and help me regarding the problem as soon as possible.

Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,

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