Khaitan Electricals Customer Care Email

Customer Care
All India

If the above contact didn't helped you, here are alternatives to reach Khaitan Electricals customer support.

Contact Number

1800-3070-8120 - Contact details
1800-123-8120 - Contact details

Support Link

Official website - Contact details


Rajiv walia

Tue, 06/30/2015 - 16:20


It is stated that I have lodged complaint in the toll free number regarding my 0.5 mini water pump which is not working properly and stop after 5-10 minutes and also heat-up. The said pump is under warrenty. A service man came to our house to check the pump and intimated that there is water in pump and cannot be repaired free of cost and demanded Rs. 800/- for its repair. But the said pump is under warrenty and we have also shown the warrenty card . But instead of repair the said pump and he misbehaved with us and refused to repair it. He could not know how speak.

You are requested to kindly take necessary action to repair our pump at the earliest possible as our construct work is under process.

With regards

(Rajiv Walia)
#388/1, Sector 40/A,
Mobile No. 9646010388

Raj k singh

Wed, 01/11/2017 - 09:19


I have purchased Khaitan shakti juicer mixer grinder from Anup bartan bhandar, mehruli on 21/8/2016. My mixer is not properly workings. so please change my machine.

Himanshu Verma

Wed, 09/20/2017 - 09:39


Very poor service. I complainant again n again for 1 month aprox but not any response by customer care and service head name rakesh agarwal..... What should I do..?

Amandeep kumar

Thu, 10/25/2018 - 13:27



I login a complaint regarding geyser on dated 17-10-2018 from my mob no 8284800018 and they said your issue resolve with in 4 days. But on till date nobody call me and not a single person visit for repair the geyser. i call your customer care 3-4 time every time they said are eng. visit shortly. I buy a geyser from a branded company but sorry to say your service is very poor. Khaitan is a brand but i m shocked to see your customer service which you provide to your customer.

Bhagwan Chelaramani

Fri, 04/26/2019 - 12:49


I have purchased a cooler of khaitan kit. On 02-04-2019 from M/s New Light Electricals. Vijay path, Mansarover, Jaipur.

Yesterday night fan started noise loudly. And was touching with frame. In morning I lodged complaint with shop keeper from I have purchased cooler. But he is cooperating and not solving problem. On calling at customer care at No. 18001238120 I was shocked to hear from customer care executive that for getting warranty service open kit from cooler and go to shopkeeper.

Now I am feeling cheating with me by shopkeeper and khaitan company.

Amandeep Singh

Thu, 09/05/2019 - 19:13


Dear sir/mam,

I am amandeep. from chandigarh. I was purchased your (Khaitan) Brand, Product Description - Merlin -1, SWEEP 400mm 7995.

This fan is not working so i am complaint on your complaint service on date 21Aug2019, complaint number is 767553. but anybody not come in and check why this product is not working. your brand is good but your service is very low.

Harbhajan Singh

Sun, 02/21/2021 - 20:24


मैंने 20 अक्टूबर 2020 को खैतान का गैस geysar लीया था.जिस दिन से लिया है इक दिन भी ठीक नी चला.इक बार engineer आया उस से भी ठीक नी हुआ,अब फिर 8 february कॉप्लांट की हुई है पर कोई नी आया कोंन यकीन करेगा आपकी कंपनी पे मेरा कॉपलांट नंबर है853904, मेरा मोबाइल है 9466258786, प्लीज़ मेरी समस्या को ठीक करवाए

Bhag chand Verma

Fri, 06/04/2021 - 10:52


Service is very poor. Even after registering complain no one comes to check it.

Madhavi kate

Sun, 08/15/2021 - 17:42


I request you that I missed our warranty card of ceiling fan of Khaitan which is purchased on 19.04.2021. Hope you understand my situation and issue me copy of second warranty card.

Vikasdeep Singh

Sun, 03/20/2022 - 14:49


World no 1 cheated, worst, careless, bad to bad, inferior. Please anybody don't buy any products. Very poor service. I complainant again n again for 2 month aprox but not any response by customer care and service head

Vysakh TS

Sun, 05/01/2022 - 08:39


My name is Vyshak. I am 17/8/2021 two fan khaitan fan purchased one fan not working. Already customer care side all details shared but your customer care team is very bad. This Monday your technician contacted my brother but due to marriage he was busy. finally on Friday and saturday date fixed and accepted by your technician but that person not coming and my complaint not solved. contacted technician phone number --9846138388. It is my mistake i purchased your product. kindly immediately solve this complaint other wise consumer court case will be filed.

Kailash choudhary

Thu, 05/05/2022 - 19:58


Service is very poor. Even after registering complain no one comes to check it.

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