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komal soni

Wed, 04/15/2015 - 11:55


we have received free vouchers from maxbupa of pantaloons. can we use it in online shopping from pantaloons?

I have decided that, I have done my last shopping at the Pantaloons. It gives me immense pain in stating that, I am was extremely shocked to find wrong billing being done by the store.

It so happened that I purchased a Denim worth 899 & T shirt worth 499 at Pantaloons Ludhiana. At the section there was a Big note which said " Buy a bottom wear & get 10 % off and for 2 get 20 % off. I checked from the rep Mr Paras. He too said that, I would get the discount, but the billing assistant said there was no discount after I made the payments & got to check the bill. He called up his boss Mr M. Dutt Sharma who came & said that there were no discounts.

I showed him the banner being displayed & he even checked from Paras. But did not give me discount. Too make things worse they did not remove the banner also. I believe in this era, It is a vvvvv Poor shopping experience & image of other birla group companies also get affected since nothing was done by staff to satisfy the customer. Pooooor service & cheating only......

shibani mukherjee

Mon, 10/05/2015 - 23:31


i purchased a jeans pant fm ur counter at diamond plaza, nagerbazar. 1st time i took 32 size but unfortunately it was not fited. 2nd time i took 34 size. still it not fitd. so i went to ur counter for changing. bt they denied to change it for the 2nd time. 34 size of other make fit wth my son. so pl do the needful fm ur side & change the same wth 36 size. hope ur companys good name will help me. my ring no 9432303682. waitng fr ur prompt action.


Sun, 03/27/2016 - 07:44


I have purchased a shirt cost Rs.1499/- on 23/3/2016 for my brother for Factory outlet at Behala, Kolktata. Coming home I found that the size of the shirt is not matching. So on 26.3.2016 I visited the store where I came to know that there is no option to exchange the product. As per the store manager "a product once sold will not be exchanged for any reason". But I will take up the matter to the consumer forum and will go upto the end of the issue.

Mukesh Jatt

Fri, 05/06/2016 - 12:19


I have purchased a kurta from your outlet at ABS MALL JORHAT (Assam), the MRP of kurta was Rs.899, but It was wrongly billed as Rs.999. When I came to know the fault, I called the store manager, but he refused to return the excess money of Rs.100, for this I was completely hurt and I will take up the matter to consumer forum.

I have a gift voucher worth Rs.500 that has a expiry date of 9th october 2016. As i was not in the country couldn't able to avail the same. I request you to kindly extend my voucher period for a week or so that i could the avail the same with your satisfying products.

Salim Ujjainwala

Mon, 04/10/2017 - 16:21


Dear Sir/Madam,

To whomsoever it may concern.

I am the regular customer of Pantaloon, yesterday i have visited your branch in Xperia Mall Kalyan. There was an scheme which was going on in your shop that on the purchase of 3500/ will get discount of 500/.

I have purchase 2 shirt & 2 trouser worth rs 4223, Receipt no : P224003I17000293, i got the discount of 20% on 2 shirt , so the net amount was 3844/- . I was suppose to get the discount of 500/- which was not provided to me in my bill.

I would like to bring to your notice that was my only concern, kindly resolve my query at the earliest or else i will be changing to other outlet apart from Pantaloon.

Salim Ujjainwala

Pankaj Gupta

Sat, 05/27/2017 - 18:10


I pankaj gupta a regular customer of pantaloos bought mens shirts from Pantaloons Division DLF city centre mall Block A Shaheed Udham singh marg Shalimar Bagh on 25 may 2017 at 21.13 hrs Bill no - P212003I17002463 amount 1961/- Cashier Mr Ashish ID 256448. He swapped twice my CC and then asked me to come next day for refund after 24 hrs. But Today at 17.10 hrs when I again visited the showroom The staff refused to refund me and misbehaved with me and my wife and told me to go for online complaint or what ever you want to do. You are requested to look into the matter and resolve my complaint take disciplinary action against the staff.

I have done shopping from your stores in Jayanagar (Bangalore), on July 19th2017 and could not find the proper size. Then i was misguided by the sales person about the alteration part and he directed me to Gopalan Innovative Mall for alteration. there everything messed up and I had to waste my time from 2.00pm to 7.00pm roaming around your stores. Finally the manager decided to give credit note for the amount of Rs:2,208.

Every time I had a very bad experience with your stores and finally i lost the wallet with credit note. Now kindly let me know whether the credit note is misused by anyone. if not kindly update the same to your store people from Gopalan Innovative Mall and allow me to do the shopping for the mentioned amount. Request u to do the needful at the earliest.

Priyanka singh

Wed, 12/27/2017 - 16:32


I went to exchange defective cloth in pantaloons lalpur ranchi. But then a worker named keerti singh came and misbehaved with us she has literally thrown the cloth in front of us and said that its our duty. This type of behavior is really not apreciable because it hampers name of aditya birla. Please look into the matter. Insulting customera is really not appreciated.

Aditya Ayare

Sun, 12/31/2017 - 14:57


I bought Shirt from Pantaloons at 1599/- without any offer, I got that same number of points in my account. When I asked the same number of points at the store, the staff at service desk in Borivali west branch said she has mailed it to someone and would be expecting within a couple of days. Today when I purchased Lee Cooper shoes of 2599/- I was expecting an approx 400Rs less than the MRP. Kindly note that I haven't purchased any items at any kind of discount rate. Now the staff at Borivali west branch says. Your first shopping should be minimum of Rs2000/- to claim your points. First of all there wasn't anyone at Borivali west branch at the help desk, the later second time I visited they were just transferring my issue from one person to another. Why do you decieve people by sending them SMS. If you can't provide what you say then why are you even in the market. If you want to reach me my email id is quadrantquartz

Lokesh Pant

Tue, 01/30/2018 - 00:04


Dear Sir/Madam,

On 21st Jan'2018 I had purchase a leather Jacket Moradabad Pantaloon store. When i purchase the Jacket that time Lable mention 50% Discount but when i go to billing counter that time they told you get only 30% Discount. I said ok give me. As per policy back side of bill mention: your purchases are guaranted against all manufacturing defect. we will accept exchanges within 30 days of purchase.....etc. Toady, 29th Jan'2018 9:30 to 10:00 PM when i am going to Moradabad store for change my Jacket because Jacket have cut in arms, then Store Manager said we can't change and tare the defect area more in our hand. He don't change and kept my Jacket also. Very poor Management and service.
They can't Replace my Jacket and don't give any support. I am very old customer of Pantaloon but 1st time i am going to your store for Exchange my cloth. Please look and resolve my problem.

My Bill details are :-
Receipt No. P118006I17001386
Store ID : P118

Mamta kajania

Mon, 07/16/2018 - 20:16


M not going to buy anthing from pantaloons now. They are worth less. No customer support tailor speak bakwas infront of customer desk person . They were denying to alter kurti. Such a useless pantaloon and there employee tooo.

Mansi Bhavsar

Mon, 07/23/2018 - 17:05


It was my worst experience yesterday, when I bought 2 shirts and 1 Jeans pant from Pantaloons outlet at Maxus Mall, Bhayander, via Paytm expecting cashback of Rs.100. I added Rs. 3000/- to my paytm a/c, as my bill amounted to Rs.3003/-, and I already had more than Rs.200 in paytm wallet, after successful transaction message in my phone from both paytm and pantaloon, the official person did not paid heed to my request to deliver my clothings as he had not received the payment made message, instead I had to use credit card as other alternative to pay for my purchase. Now I am waiting for my amt. of Rs.3003 to get reversed. Pls. reply.

Somi Patranabis

Sun, 08/26/2018 - 21:30


New way of fooling people. Instead of good plastic carry bags, pantaloons is now giving paper bags of poor quality and charging Rs 7 which can hardly be used twice. You all should be ashamed of yourself. People are buying goods worth thousands and you can't give a proper carry bag. Learn from Aurelia and Biba, even they are environment conscious and give paper bags but for FREE. How can an Aditya Birla group company be so cheap.. really unfortunate.

Lajja kalro

Sat, 09/15/2018 - 14:17


I had a credit note for Rs.224/- which I am now told has expired,explained I was out of station,still they say 1 month is over so you lose that amount,how is justified, maybe my amount is not big but credit is credit also in case amount was big should I simply lose it because of your company policies, you collect all customer data, why can't a reminder be sent,it's not fair, always shopped at Pantaloons but this experience discourages me to any further. Pl sort this out, credit memo: ABF-722577. Thanks.

Ranbir Singh

Fri, 09/28/2018 - 14:51


I redeemed 7700 points through Sbi card under reference no.300720180320 18005 on 29.07.2018 but I have not received my evoucher so far. pl do needful.

Ranbir Singh

This to inform you that yesterday I went to your pantaloons Dhanbad, Jharkhand store with very enthusiastic mood for shopping but I disappointed with your guest service. Your floor staff named Radha was busy in doing her own stuff. Even after calling her she was busy in talking with her colleagues and replied very rudely to me. As a leading brand in retail industry this type of service you are providing to your customers. It's my request that you should train your staff properly. It's very irritating that you went for shopping with happy mood but staffs over their not treat you in a good way. You people are loosing your customer because I'm not going to buy anything from pantaloons next time. There are lots of other brand in city they are giving better guest service. I'm very disappointed with the quality of service you are giving.


Yogesh Verma

Fri, 12/21/2018 - 08:47


It was my wife's birthday on 20th Dec so I decided to go for shopping. I did shopping at Pantaloons, Gurgaon Dreamz Mall, Sector-4 Gurgaon on 19th Dec 2018.

I paid my billed amount and after billing, counter boy was taking out the pins (magnets) to fold and give the clothes. He himself (at the counter while folding) found that the jacket was defective as its zip was not working at all. He asked us to wait for few seconds and tried to get it rectified from tailor but it didn't work. I asked him for giving another piece but he confirmed that no other piece was there. I put two options: Either give my money back as the piece is defective or give discount so that I can get it rectified from other places.

Store manager (Umakant) didn't agree on any of this. He said that he would credit note which is valid for 1 month and I can buy the same amount clothes within one month period. So I was frustrated because of following reasons:
When I pay bills and find the item is defective right at the moment, why store doesn't return money.
I had my wife's birthday next day, then no point is there in waiting for one month?
Jacket was for winter season, what I'll do after one month?
When I needed jacket, I need jacket. Why would I go for other clothes for the same amount?
I spent my money there then how could buy the jacket as gift for her?

Also store manager (Umakant) was very rude and arguing with invalid reasons. I thought like he must have been severely beaten and thrown out from the store. I would also lodge complaint in police station and consumer court on this.

I bought a shirt from pantaloons mysore. can i exchange it in pantaloon dehradun?


Sun, 08/18/2019 - 19:06


I purchased a top which was at 50% discount during sale and at that time there was rush in a store so I bought it for myself without trying and I didn't checked it properly it was altered from one side and now when I went store to exchange they denied and said that i have altered . it's very disappointing service they are not providing good customer satisfaction. I want to exchange but they are not exchanging.

Priya Sangani

Thu, 02/20/2025 - 17:45


I have really bad experience for pantaloons. It has poor online services, I bought clothes from pantaloons in cash on delivery options but after returning it still I couldn't find any message or mail of my refund. My amount is 7000 and I think there is nowhere mention in any return policy that customer can't get cash in amount in amazon, myntra or flipkart. only pantaloons has it and if you buy clothes online, you can't exchange it at your near store because there is no collaboration between store and online system. I think pantaloons should close their store because it can not survive in customer service in this competition era.

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