Dr. Batra's Clinic Customer Care Contacts

Dr. Batra's chain of clinics was founded in 1982 by Dr. Mukesh Batra. Dr. Batra's Positive Health Clinic has come a long way today with 87 clinics spread across 34 cities in India, Dubai and UK. It provides state-of-the-art services to more than half a million people from all over the world, with the numbers growing steadily.

The Clinic also introduced hair transplantation services in the year 2009. Dr. Batra’s Clinic has also been producing health products since 2001 known for excellent quality and a natural base.

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Here are all the ways to contact Dr. Batra's Clinic customer support, added by users like you. Some offer better help than others, click for details about customer service and more.

Displaying total of 3 customer service contacts.
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