Paytm Customer Care Email

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Saayan kumar Nandy

Tue, 03/31/2020 - 21:21


Airtel prepaid recharge done through paytm on 28/03/2020 but amount not yet reflected in airtel recharge balance. Order no 10630751312.

Prince Kumar

Wed, 08/21/2024 - 22:44


Dear SBI Customer Service Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to bring to your immediate attention an issue regarding a recent transaction from my account.

On [ 09/06/2024 ], a transfer of [ 8800 ] was made from my account
[ 37644684825 ] to what appears to be an incorrect account. Unfortunately, due to [ By mistake click wrong digit ], the funds were mistakenly credited to the account of another individual.

To rectify this error as soon as possible, I kindly request your assistance in tracing the transfer and initiating the necessary steps to recover the funds. I understand that swift action is crucial in such matters to prevent any further complications.

For your reference, the transaction details are as follows:
- Date of Transfer: [09/06/2024]
- Amount Transferred: [8800]
- Recipient Account Number: [460110110006861]
- Transaction Reference Number: [452733871773]

Please advise me on the steps I need to take from my end to resolve this issue promptly. I am available at [9717586199] or via email at [princekr971758] if further clarification or information is required.

Thank you for your urgent attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and assistance in recovering the funds.

Yours sincerely,

Prince Kumar
A/C:- 37644684825

Make sure to customize the details such as dates, amounts, and transaction numbers according to your specific case. This format should effectively communicate your issue and prompt the bank to take action swiftly.

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