Paytm Customer Care Email

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Surendra kumar

Mon, 03/12/2018 - 14:19


Dear Team,
Good morning have a nice day!!

Dear paytm team I send me saving account 1500/- rupees 07-03-2018 time 17:19:13 and transaction ID 18069294619. but not sent yet. Please take a right action, please help me. Please call me.

Surendra kumar!!
+91 87450-86460

Rajendra jaisal

Mon, 03/12/2018 - 17:04


I have received my cashback but not able to use it. Sir pls reply as fast as possible or either I will complain.

My order no is 4770665297. I have done recharge of rs. 50 on 10/03/2018 but have not got cash back please solve my problem.
Thank you.

Jyotsna saha

Tue, 03/13/2018 - 15:37


First time lucky cash back not yet get. Please give my cash back.

Asif malick

Tue, 03/13/2018 - 17:16


I order a product from patym mall first time and I use code firsttimelucky product come to me but cashback is not get me in my wallet.

Jyotsna saha

Thu, 03/15/2018 - 20:28


I ordered 4 earings but for some reasons i Cancelled yesterday.the amount was 199.paytm refunded me 10 rupees only but rest 189 rupees not yet refunded to my bank account as they promised to me. Its my hearty request that please refund my money.

Santosh Jadhav

Fri, 03/16/2018 - 17:11



Pls refund the amount of Rs. 320 which is wrongly debited against electricity bill of Reliance Energy on 04.03.2018. Awaiting your kind & favorable response soon.

Santosh Jadhav

Snehal Patel

Mon, 03/19/2018 - 10:04


I had booked two ticket rs.381.But not received cash back of 100 rs.Booking id-RAJ0020001794674. ORDER NUMBER WAS - 4811204884.

Nimai Mandal

Mon, 03/19/2018 - 10:43


My cashback not payment. My order no- 4788612495...first time lucky offer. Total cashback 179. Plz added cashback my a/c.

Cashback is not received i have payed a dishtv recharge 508 Rs and cashback is of 50Rs is not received send it immediately.

Sunil Dogra

Tue, 03/20/2018 - 22:21


I recharge the mobile number 8894868685 with 199 and recharge is successful. I use promocode AIRTEL. But after 48 hours 59 rupee cash back is not add my paytm account. Plz tell me can u give me cash back or not.

Atul kapoor

Wed, 03/21/2018 - 16:13


i have not recived my cashback amount my paytm wallent my order no is 4810884657 ... plese send my ammount my paytm wallent

First recharge cashback has not sent to me. apply the promocode ###first###. please sent to me 75 rupees.

Aakanksha mishra

Fri, 03/23/2018 - 01:02


My order was successful bt I have noo balance and shopping. Order has not done by this so plz send my products and considered this all so plz credit. Balance in my account.


Sat, 03/24/2018 - 13:23


I had purchased a consignment worth of 55 rupees at 14.03.2018. It shows the cash back of Rupees 3 but still the amount is not credited in my paytm mall account. Can I hope paytm for higher price products and their cash backs?

Sir I have not received my cash back amount to my paytm wallet yet. my order no.4808482183. I got no response from paytm services..... please help me.

Kavita sharma

Tue, 03/27/2018 - 13:27


I got summer500 coupon. I applied it on trimmer worth rs 1638 it applied successfully. I have complete kyc also. Trimmer delivered on 21 march but still i did't get rs 500 cashback. Please do something and add rs 500 in my paytm wallet.

Chandra prakash

Tue, 03/27/2018 - 23:20


I have not received my cash back amount 50rs to my paytm wallet yet..
my order no. 4856763801,
Transaction no. 65973969352
Mob rech. No. 6350600153
Recharge. 399

Mahesh Bidgar

Wed, 03/28/2018 - 18:48


Sir i had placed order on 24 march my cashback of rs 199 not received in my paytm wallet so kindly credit to my wallet. Order no.4854189155.

Noor ahamed

Thu, 03/29/2018 - 15:42


I did not received my paytm cashback. It is more than 48hrs.

Pankaj bharti

Fri, 03/30/2018 - 13:40


I had did metro card recharge of 200 rs on 26 mar 2018. Transaction id 2359578401380850. Still i have not received my cash back. Pls send my cash back as soon as possible.

Pankaj bharti.

i was booked bus ticket and applied promo code for cash back msg also received from paytm that cash back has been added to your account but it did not showing any cash in my paytm wallet.

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