Amul Customer Care Email

Customer Care
All India
Official customer care email of Amul Dairy.
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Contact Number

1800-258-3333 - Contact details

Support Link

Official website - Contact details


We bought Amul srikhand from reliance fresh and consumed it today morning, it was relatively sour. when I gave a close watch it had developed fungus in it, we consumed most of it, so couldn't do much. But now two of us who consumed have a severe stomach upset.
BN UFL3371 03. For reference.

Arun kumar

Sun, 05/21/2023 - 07:52


I have received two very poor quality of dahi from igloo parlour patna, and shopkeeper is not accepting to returned it. please do the needful at your end.

I am using amul milk from last 4 years. Three times I noticed that in your milk some kind of yellowish colour with oil is noticed while heating the milk.


Thu, 08/31/2023 - 20:18


I just purchased Amul Dahi from a shop in haldwani, uttrakhand, pincode 263139

The address of the shop is Kumoan General store, Near kalawati colony, Mukhani road, haldwani. The Dahi was stale. It was smelling very bad...It was sour in taste and I think it can be of expiry date as manufacturing date and price wasnt mention in the packet.

When we went to the shop the owner of shop wasnt behaving nicely with us instead they just spoke to us rudely. He told us that he will give us dealer number so that we can complain about it to the dealer. The shopkeeper was aware of the fact that the dahi was of expiry date. What if any illness happen to us? Who will be responsible for that?

Pushpalata Nikumbh

Mon, 11/27/2023 - 17:47


I am a regular user of Amul 1/2 liter milk pkt. But nowadays, i suspect there may be adulteration in milk packet. As it gets spoil before use by date. Plz look into the matter.

Rohit bansal

Sat, 04/20/2024 - 12:09


I am regular customer of Amul milk products but I was very disappointed when Amul seller Deepak from Bathinda Model Town face 2 near gurdwara misbehave with me. when I say to change ice cream which I purchased from him was totally melted. He denied to change nd say split it on road . And I try to talk with his dealer named Rohit mob no 6280689089 from bathinda also not ready to look into the matter. Kindly help the needful. My contact no 9478438786.

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