Reliance Jio Customer Care Email

Customer Care
All India
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Jio customer support responds within in 24 hours.

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Contact Number

1860-893-3333 - Contact details
1800-889-9999 - Contact details
1800-896-9999 - Contact details

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Visalakshmi J

Fri, 09/15/2017 - 13:47


I am receiving the following message - Oops. You must be on Jio network or have a device with active JIO SIM to access your favorite channels / programmes. Please contact care

Unmes Singha Roy

Fri, 09/15/2017 - 18:04


When I have installed jio TV in my mobile and tapped it it open so as to see the different shows, the mobile gave me a notification that I have to be on jio network to see these channels although I am in that network. My jio no. 7980390424. Kindly restore the problem.

I have given complaint many times about slow speed you are asking time but not resolving it. Solve the problem before balance expires.

Jay Patel

Fri, 09/15/2017 - 22:17


Coverage is good but speed is very poor.. only 20kbps is maximum. I have not extended my limits of 1GB. What should I do sir??. Plz reply to this.

For some network complaints i just called your CC, but the response I got from the CSA was completely disappointing. I just want to know whether you are running a CC for making me as a fool, by giving some f**king convincing answers. 8075293969 is my number. Do check the 3 call recordings and take some actions against the CCA (especially the 2nd one) or else out call me
Thanks & regards

First when i open it nothing is happening with it but when i try to sign in it says unfortunately my jio has stopped. So please fix this problem as fast as you can. My no 7005780958 phone model ASUS_X003.

Rohan sonawane

Sun, 09/17/2017 - 10:05


I from pune camp, Last 9 months i am having this problem. I have complained several times but there has been no response. And till now there has been no change, it is still that bad.

In month of july 22nd of july 2017, i got service sms from jio rc309 (all local std unlimited +1gb data per day free and sms free valid for 84days validity but past 4 days i receive the sms on 18th sept 2017 validity. same time i was call your customer care, yours agent inform we need send the mail how can it possible. jio its a largest sim and trustable sim but help me.

Amar salunkhe

Sun, 09/17/2017 - 15:26


Very bad internet connection. My area has150 users in jio but no internet connection, bad speed. Last option is to switch to other networks.

Sujeet kumar

Mon, 09/18/2017 - 13:53


I purchased jio fi with jio sim on dt 16.09.17 but data services not active, my jio sim no is 8368763991. Please activate my service shortly as soon as possible.

Yashvardhan singh

Mon, 09/18/2017 - 14:30


Dear sir/mam
I just say that my jio no 8709568379, whose network speed is only run about 160 to 200kbps. Kindly solve this problem please. i use net in router.
name yashvardhan
jio number 8709568379

Ajendra kumar

Mon, 09/18/2017 - 21:36


Sir / Madam,
My mobile number (8299054393) is that I get very slow speed of mobile data. In this regard, I have filed complaint several times, but till now I have not found any concrete solution to my problem. Whenever i talk to your customer service officers they ask for some time and tell your problem will end in 2 days, 6 days, or 1 month. I am told that the work is going on, I am connected with jio about 13 months It has happened but my problem has not ended yet.

I request you to make a quick decision about a permanent solution to my problem and inform me.

Thank you

Sunita Dhara

Tue, 09/19/2017 - 07:19


Jio tv is not working... it is showing that for this you must have an active jio SIM. I have.. then also it's not working. what I should do??? Please help.

Manish rathor

Tue, 09/19/2017 - 07:58


Request just I won't you that last week my jio no data without use finished. please check my problem and using continue my data
Manish rathor
Mo 9140875847
Phone handset lenovo k6 power

Yash sharma

Tue, 09/19/2017 - 10:42


My jio sim not working to call the another person i have free also ruppes399.

Kumar Gauraw

Tue, 09/19/2017 - 16:37


It is to inform that my Jio Mobile No. 8506933100 is presently working, which was ported from IDEA to GIO during last Oct 2016 and time to time recharged two time since June 2016. But, as per advice of representative of JIO Digital Reliance Center Malvinagar, New Delhi SIM card replaced on 5th Aug 2017 due to some error of SIM or Mob Set. Due to above circumstances, the undersigned wants to port the number from GIO to another network, but your system shown only activation date 5th Aug 2017 and reject the our request projected by other network. why it can possible? Please clarify and update the following i. Date of activation of my ported No. on GIO network - 8506933100. ii. When the number ported from another network from one year before then why un-necessary delay for facilitation of portability from your side? Please clarify and if seems to genuine my statement, it is again requested to arrange the facilitation from your site immediately under intimation to our mail.

Jio network is not work properly. Neither it work on jio tv nor any other web page. It not work on fb also.

Patel Aniket s

Tue, 09/19/2017 - 19:10


sir if you don't solve my problems give me a return to money & any option to give me a best quality network.... Give me a reply quickly.

Sunil Rao

Tue, 09/19/2017 - 20:12


Jio phone booked on month but not received. sir when you get delivery tell me.

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